/ Education / PhD / Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities

DIAITA Series: Scripta&Realia

Created in 2014 to publish texts resulting from the research of members of the transnational project DIAITA: Lusophony Food Heritage.

Series created in 2014 to publish texts resulting from the research of members of the transnational project DIAITA: Lusophony Food Heritage. It brings together in-depth and, most often, interdisciplinary studies on a fundamental theme for the design of a cultural heritage and identity common to the Portuguese-speaking population: the history and cultures of food.

The research focuses on a scientific analysis of the sources, whether written, material, or iconographic. Hence the DIAITA series of Scripta - in an allusion to both translation, study and publication of sources (both unpublished and unavailable in Portuguese, such as classical, Greek and Latin texts, matrix for the knowledge of the Mediterranean food pattern), as well as monographs. The subtitle Realia, on the other hand, covers publications elaborated following studies on the "materialities" that allow to know the history and cultures of food in the Lusophony space.

Coordinated books authored by professors and students of the PhD in Food heritage are added to the project ALIMENTARIA.UC.

Editorial board

Principal director

Carmen Soares (University of Coimbra)

Editorial assistants

João Pedro Gomes (University of Coimbra)

Scientific committee

Andrew Dalby (Independent researcher)

Delfim Leão (University of Coimbra)

Maria do Céu Fialho (University of Coimbra)

María José García Soler (Universidad del País Vasco)

Marta González González (Universidad de Córdoba)

Paula Barata Dias (University of Coimbra)


Carmen Soares, Anny Jackeline Torres Silveira & Bruno Laurioux, Mesa dos Sentidos & Sentidos da Mesa. Vol. 1, Coimbra, IUC, 2021

Carmen Soares, Anny Jackeline Torres Silveira & Bruno Laurioux, Mesa dos Sentidos & Sentidos da Mesa. Vol. 2, Coimbra, IUC, 2021

Maria de Fátima Silva & Jorge Paiva, Teofrasto. Causas das Plantas, Coimbra, IUC, 2020

Nelson Ferreira, Galeno de Pérgamo. As faculdades dos alimentos. Livro I (De Alimentorum Facultatibus I), Coimbra, IUC, 2020

Joaquim Pinheiro, Plutarco. Sobre comer carne, Coimbra, IUC, 2019

Carmen Soares & Cilene Gomes Ribeiro (coords.), Mesas luso-brasileiras: a alimentação, saúde e cultura. Vol. 1, Coimbra, IUC, 2018

Carmen Soares & Cilene Gomes Ribeiro (coords.), Mesas luso-brasileiras: a alimentação, saúde e cultura. Vol. 2, Coimbra, IUC, 2018

Carmen Soares (ed.), Biblioalimentaria : alimentação, saúde e sociabilidade à mesa no acervo bibliográfico da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, IUC, 2018

Anabela Leal de Barros, Remédios vários e receitas aprovadas: Segredos vários, Coimbra, IUC, 2016

Joaquim Pinheiro, Carmen Soares, Patrimónios Alimentares de Aquém e Além-Mar, Coimbra, IUC, 2016

Carmen Soares, Arquéstrato, Iguarias do Mundo Grego. Guia Gastronómico do Mediterrâneo Antigo, Coimbra, IUC, 2016

Jorge Deserto, Susana da Hora Marques Pereira, Estrabão, Geografia Livro III: Introdução, Tradução do Grego e Notas, Coimbra, IUC, 2016

Maria de Fátima Sousa e Silva, Jorge Paiva, Teofrasto, História das plantas: tradução portuguesa, com introdução e anotação, Coimbra, IUC, 2016

Cilene Gomes Ribeiro, Carmen Soares (coords.), Odisseia de Sabores da Lusofonia, Coimbra, IUC, 2015

Isabel Drumond Braga, Sabores e Segredos: receituários conventuais portugueses da Época Moderna, Coimbra, IUC, 2015

Carmen Soares, Irene Coutinho de Macedo (coords.), Ensaios sobre património alimentar luso-brasileiro, Coimbra, IUC, 2014