/ Research Projects / POWer Project

POWer Project

The POWer project is divided into two axes, with national and international teams working collaboratively to achieve their objectives.

At the national level:


The national work plan of the POWer project aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Identify the types of legal structures that can be used within the current Portuguese legal framework to implement the purpose-ownership model, highlighting their potential as well as any potential limitations;
  • Conduct a benchmarking analysis of solutions adopted in other countries, gathered through the international aspect of the project. This aims to identify legal mechanisms that have been tested or are under discussion elsewhere and subsequently assess their feasibility within the national legal context;
  • Develop a "catalogue" of suggestions for Portuguese companies to choose and work with a legal framework, within the existing regulatory framework, capable of implementing some distinctive features of the purpose-ownership model. The options considered will vary in complexity and cost, and the choice will depend significantly on the type and size of the company;
  • It is anticipated that the project will result in a proposal for legal innovation about existing positive law. This proposal will be based on the research and reflection conducted, including contributions from companies and comparative law analysis.

At the international level:


The international work plan of the POWer project aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Characterize the purpose-ownership phenomenon, including its essence and variations, and identify the main obstacles to its implementation;
  • Conduct comparative research in various EU Member States and other interested countries to gather insights and information;
  • Analyze and evaluate the results of this comparative research, identifying trends, challenges, problems, and preferable common solutions;
  • Lay the foundations for a potential future model law on purpose-ownership at the European level, providing a framework for implementing purpose-ownership across different jurisdictions.


The research team of IJ dedicated to the POWer project consists of the following members:


The contacts related to the project should be made to power@ij.uc.pt.