
In order for the SG.UC to fulfil its mission, the UC ensures its monitoring, (self) assessment and improvement, with the participation of several PI, as stipulated in the SG.UC’s organisational chart, especially via the intervention of:

1) Vice-Rector in charge of quality;

2) Quality Council: it ensures the SG.UC’s strategic coordination, defining, approving and disseminating the Quality Policy to the UC community. It includes the Rector (presiding), the Vice-Rector in charge of quality, the Student Ombudsman, the UC and SASUC Administrator, the UO and UECAF Directorates, the Head of Division and the GPQ technician and 2 student representatives;

3) Quality Promotion Office (GPQ);

4) UC Self-Assessment Committee;

5) Process Managers: leaders of the various UC units/services, they ensure that planned results are achieved and necessary improvements/adjustments implemented. They are supported by the Quality Facilitators.

The responsibilities and authorities applicable to each SG.UC Process are defined in the internal regulations, in the delegation of responsibilities and in the procedures, work instructions and guidelines available in the Services Organisation Manual (MOS|UC).