Management System Manual

The Management System Manual (MSG) has as its general objectives:

• To describe the SG.UC’s organisational model, based on process approach, the PDCA cycle and risk-based thinking;

• To describe and communicate the UC’s Quality Policy, highlighting its alignment with the institution's strategic management;

• To describe the commitment of the UC’s top management toward the SG.UC’s implementation and improvement;

• To describe in general terms the cycle of planning, monitoring, assessment, analysis and improvement applied to institutional processes;

• To define the guidelines for the implementation of the strategy for the institution’s improvement, in order to globally foster a culture of quality.

The provisions of the MSG must be applied across the whole University of Coimbra, and are therefore compulsory for all units of the institution, as they constitute a solid basis for their global improvement. The implementation of these provisions shall be ensured by the University’s management and directors, as well as by all teaching, research and technical staff, with the involvement of other stakeholders whenever appropriate.