Sara Lopes at Clube de Ciência Viva project for the project "Aprender com STREAM"

23 novembro, 2023≈ 2 min read

Last Friday, Sara Lopes (a PhD student at the FLOWer Lab) was with the students from the 2nd and 3rd year classes at EB1 Paúl and the 3rd and 4th year classes at EB1 Montes Hermínios, at A.E. Frei Heitor Pinto, with the activity "À conversa com o cientista" (Talking to the scientist), as part of the "Aprender com STREAM" (Learning with STREAM) Clube de Ciência Viva project.
After learning a little more about the work of a scientist (and Sara's work in particular) and the steps of the Scientific Method, the "little" scientists planned an experiment that they will put into practice to answer the question: Do plants need light to grow They promised to publicise their results at the end of the experiment.
At the end, there was still time to get to know and observe the great diversity of our pollinators!
It was a day of hard work but a lot of fun!