3 Minute-Thesis Competition (3MT) is an academic competition to challenge PhD students to communicate their thesis in 3 minutes. “An 80,000 word thesis would take 9 hours to present. Your time limit: 3 minutes…”

3 Minute-Thesis Competition (3MT) is back to the University of Coimbra. This year we are expecting more videos about the PhD Thesis under developed at University of Coimbra.

Until January 22th 2022, any student registered on a Doctoral Program at University of Coimbra may submit her/his 3-minutes video to this competition.

The UC 3MT challenges our students to record a 3-minutes video presenting their PhD projects. After submitting the video, the jury will choose the 20 best videos. The finalists will be known on February 15th 2022 and they will have the opportunity to enroll in a Science communication and Media Training Course. All applicants will have access to a Science Communication workshop. These trainings will take place on February 23rd and 24th 2022.

The second phase of the competition will take place on March 11th, when the UC3MT winner will be revealed. The winner will represent the University of Coimbra at the Coimbra Group (41 Universities) International Competition, between June 7th-10th 2022, Prague.

This challenge aims to develop communication skills, promote internal and external collaborations and it is open to all students registered in a UC PhD Program in 2021/2022.

The application survey is available at https://ucpages.uc.pt/en/3mt/applications/Competition Rules is also available at https://ucpages.uc.pt/en/3mt/rules/.

To know more about UC 3MT go to https://ucpages.uc.pt/en/3mt/ and https://noticias.uc.pt/artigos/uc-3mt-esta-de-volta-para-a-terceira-edicao/

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