
The candidates should apply online using the form available. APPLICATION CLOSED.

The application to Phase 1 includes:

  • filling out the form,
  • send a 3 minutes video in Portuguese or English (see indications below)
  • filling, signing, and sending the Consent form (inside of the form).

Steps to complete our application to Phase 1

1. Prepare a 3-minutes video

Video Characteristics

1. Video 3 minutes maximum. Videos with more than 3 minutes will not be accepted. Time starts when the candidate begins the presentation.

2. The videos, in Phase 1, could be in Portuguese or in English.

3. A single static slide is permitted (no slide transitions, animations, or 'movement' of any description). As regards the video submitted to the Coimbra Group Office, the slide must not be included/merged into the video but must be submitted as a separate PDF file. A title slide containing the name of the university, the name of the contestant, the title of the presentation, and the research area should be submitted along with the slide illustrating the talk.

4. The video must be filmed by only one camera angle filmed from one static position. Zoom in and out from the static position is acceptable.

5 The 3-minute audio must be continuous – no cuts, edits, breaks, etc.

6. No additional props (e.g. laser pointer, costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment, animated backgrounds) are permitted.

7. Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps, or songs).

8. No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted within the video recording.

9. Recommended video formats are MP4, WMV, AVI.

2. Download, print and sign the Consent for the Collection and Processing of personal data

The Consent for the Collection and Processing of Personal data is available here.

3. Fill out the form online and upload the video and the consent

Fill out the form with personal, and academic data and information about your thesis. Don't forget the video and consent upload.

4. Submit the form

Applications are open between December 13th 2023 and January 15th 2024 January 19th 2024 (NEW DATE).

Steps to complete our application to Phase 2

1. Participate in the UC 3MT

The finalists will enroll in the UC 3M Thesis Training. It includes:

  • Media Training,
  • How to pitch an idea?
  • Design Thinking in Science Communication,
  • How to present in front of a camera,
  • Personalized feedback.

All applicants will have access to a Science Communication Workshop.

2. Participate in the final

The 20 candidates will participate in the UC 3MT Competition Final at the Center of Portugal Pavilion in Coimbra, broadcasted online and live. The UC jury will select one UC 3MT Competition winner. In Phase 2, the videos must be in English.

Steps to complete our application to Phase 3

The UC 3MT Competition winner will have his/her video sent to be evaluated and to participate in the Coimbra Group Competition. If chosen by the Jury of the Coimbra Group, the UC winner has to participate in the Finals at the Coimbra Group Annual Conference, June 6th 2023.