/ Master's Degree Courses


Academic degree: Master’s Degree
Regime de estudo: Presential
Language: PT
Scientific Field: Economics

Course duration: 3 semesters
ECTS: 90
Accreditation: A3ES | 2020-07-31 to 2026-07-30
Tuition fees (annually):

National student or equivalent: 1063,47EUR
International student: 7000EUR

Course presentation

The Master’s in economics aims to provide an in-depth scientific and technical training in the basic fields of economic theory, further providing a general training in various fields of economic analysis and econometrics as well as the possibility of specialised training in financial economics.

The Master’s programme allows the students to develop autonomous analytical skills through the preparation of a Work Project; or their ability to solve specific problems in a work environment (Curricular Internship).

FEUC Award Exemplary 2nd cycle

Double Master’s/Double Degrees

The Master’s in Economics offers a Double Degree as part of a partnership between the University of Coimbra and the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.



Derick Almeida

O Programa cobre as mais importantes teorias económicas em uma ampla gama de subáreas. O curso proporcionou ferramentas analíticas sólidas para que eu começasse com sucesso meu doutoramento em Economia.


The Program thoroughly covers state-of-the-art theories in a wide range of subfields in Economics. It has provided a solid foundation and important analytical tools for me to successfully start my PhD in Economics.

Diogo Mazeron

O Mestrado em Economia na FEUC foi extremamente importante não só na minha vida académica, mas também na minha carreira profissional. Toda a estrutura disponibilizada para os alunos e, principalmente o corpo docente da FEUC foram essenciais em minhas conquistas pessoais e profissionais


The Master in Economics at FEUC was extremely important not only in my academic life but also in my professional career. The entire framework provided to the students and, especially, the professors at FEUC were essential in my personal and professional achievements.

João Gonçalo Pinto

The teaching staff, one of the most valuable assets of this master's programme, is an example of competence, dedication and professionalism, qualities that are essential to the success of its students.

Gabriel Correia Guerreiro

Moving to the labour market was quick and easy.

Gonçalo Marouvo

I emphasise its flexibility: in addition to the core unit courses, it allows students to choose elective courses from varied fields of economics and other related subjects such as business management, allowing for a more complete training.

Guilherme Shirazwa

A experiência que tive na FEUC foi extremamente enriquecedora. Foi lá onde mudei da minha área original de formação para economia e isso ajudou imensamente a minha entrada no mercado de trabalho


The experience I had at FEUC was extremely enriching. It was there that I switched from my original study area to economics and this helped immensely with my entry into the job market.

Carlos Daniel Pereira Machado

An in depth study plan that provides intermediate-advanced knowledge in core areas such as econometrics, macroeconomics and microeconomics, while also deepening specific subjects, in my case, in the area of financial assets and markets.

Cláudia Caseiro

An excellent opportunity for professional and personal growth.

Mariana Monteiro

A place where students are challenged to do better every day.

Miguel António Murtinho Fernandes

I was given the opportunity to participate in the research project ‘WISER Portugal’, as a part of CeBER, and benefitted from a research grant while writing my work project.

Katrina Anna Auza

A vida estudantil muito rica de Coimbra, com uma forte tradição universitária, constitui uma excelente base para estudar na FEUC, onde os estudantes são integrados na investigação e podem elaborar os seus próprios programas de estudo com um bom equilíbrio entre teoria e prática.


Coimbra's rich student life with strong university tradition forms a great basis for studying at FEUC where students get involved in research and can tailor their own study plan with a good balance between theory and applications.