Institutional Partners

The POWer Project has the institutional collaboration of the Directorate-General for Policy of Justice.


Business associations are a privileged forum for the discussion of new ideas. Purpose-ownership is a model of business organization that may be of interest to various Portuguese companies, and their respective associations play an essential role in promoting the model and debating the advantages it can bring.

The POWer Project is looking for partnerships with associations. Those interested can contact us through our e-mail:


Companies are the ultimate recipients of all the research and reflection carried out within the scope of the POWer Project.

Therefore, all contributions that companies can bring are essential – from expressing their curiosity about the topic and willingness to serve as project interlocutors, to more specific interactions aimed at identifying needs and challenges for the potential practical implementation of the purpose-ownership model.

The POWer Project is looking for partnerships with companies. Those interested can contact us through our e-mail:

Currently, the POWer Project has the following companies as strategic reflection partners:

  • Critical Software