/ Research Projects

I Legal SciComm Conference: Communicating Legal Research

About Legal Scicomm Conference

University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR) is organizing the I Legal SciComm Conference: Communicating Legal Research. This is a conference on the communication of legal research, as part of the Communication of Legal Research (Legal SciComm) project, to be held on 30 November 2023, at the Colégio da Trindade (Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra), Portugal

Legal SciComm Conference: Communicating Legal Research is intended to be the first of many aimed at bringing researchers together to share their knowledge and experiences on Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) communication, especially in the field of law.

The conference will be hybrid to allow participation by researchers who are unable to travel.

The working languages of the conference are English, Portuguese and Spanish but all speakers are kindly invited to provide slides in English.

We look forward to welcoming you to Coimbra, a city with history and tradition, to discuss theories and practices that we can use to improve the communication of law and other social sciences with society.

Registration & Certification

The conference is free of charge, but registration is required. Registration here.

Only the Registered Participants will receive a pdf certificate.

Organizing Committee Members

Marta Graça


Researcher (Ph.D)

Niedja de Andrade e Silva Forte dos Santos


Researcher (Ph.D Candidate)

Marcelly Fuzaro Gullo


Researcher (Ph.D Candidate)

Scientific Committee Members

Ana Margarida Gaudêncio

University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law & UCILeR

Associate Professor Researcher (Ph.D)

Fernando Borges


Researcher (Ph.D)

Marta Graça


Researcher (Ph.D)

Invited Speakers

Michael D. Murray

University of Kentucky, J. David Rosenberg College of Law

Spears-Gilbert Associate Professor of Law

Michael D. Murray is the Spears Gilbert Associate Professor of Law at the University of Kentucky, J. David Rosenberg College of Law. He is the principal investigator of the Artificial Intelligence and the Law Project at Kentucky. Professor Murray is the author or coauthor of twenty-eight books and numerous law review articles on AI; art law; blockchains, cryptocurrency, NFTs and the metaverse; civil procedure; copyright; freedom of expression; law and the health care professions; legal research and writing; products liability; and right of publicity law. He is a graduate of Columbia University School of Law, Fudan University in China, and Loyola University of Maryland.

Joanna Osiejewicz

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Applied Linguistics

Associate Professor Head of Department of International Legal Communication

PhD with habilitation in law & PhD in applied linguistics; associate professor and head of Department of International Legal Communication, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw. Research interests: international legal communication, global governance, fragmentation of law, harmonization of law, transnational law.

Alexandra Aragão

Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Direito & Instituto Jurídico (UCILeR)

Associate Professor

Alexandra Aragão is a Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. She holds a Master's degree in European Integration and a Doctorate in Law and Political Science in the field of Environmental Law. She is a researcher at the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research, a member of the Natura 2000 Legal Network and the European Water Law Network, a member of the Advisory Board of the European Environmental Law Forum and a trustee of the Avosetta.org group of experts on European environmental law. She is also coordinator of the JUST-Side Network (Justice and Sustainability in the Territory through Spatial Data Infrastructure Systems). Member of the Conflicts of Interest Committee of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, ambassador for SDG 16 of the Portuguese Partnership for the Global Compact. HHer teaching and publication areas are European environmental law, environmental education, conservation law, Earth system law, eco-innovation, animal law, waste law, risk law, civil protection law, Chemicals legislation, food law.

Inês Rogeiro & Luísa Teixeira da Mota

YOUTUBE & Instagram Pão de Law


Inês Rogeiro

Attorney, 34 years old, graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Católica, where she also completed a Master in Forensic Law, both Civil and Criminal, and recently a Postgraduate Course in Health Law. She worked with attorney Ricardo Sá Fernandes for 12 years and has now started a new phase in her professional life with the opening of her own law firm.

Luísa Teixeira da Mota

Attorney, 34 years old, studied law at the Universidade Católica em Lisboa. After a detour into the world of journalism at the newspaper Público, she completed a master's degree in civil and criminal law, also at the Universidade Católica. She works in the areas of civil, criminal and family law, among others, with a particular interest in the courts.

Mariana Oliveira



I am 45 years old and I have been working as a journalist for the newspaper PÚBLICO for more than 20 years. I studied law at the University of Porto, already thinking of becoming a journalist. After graduating, I took the General Training - Specialization in Journalism course at Centro Protocolar de Formação Profissional para Jornalistas (Cenjor), which forced me to move to Lisbon between December 2001 and July 2002. I returned to Porto to do an internship at PÚBLICO between July and October 2002, and started working at the same newspaper in the newsroom in Porto in February 2003. I have been working in the justice sector for more than a decade.

Adriano Malalane

Consultório Jurídico, RDP-África


Adriano da Silva Januário Malalane was born on 22 July 1960 in Mozambique. He graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon in 1992. Lawyer at IAPME, a public institute under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, between 1992 and 1996. Consultant to LAM, Linhas Áreas de Moçambique between 1995 and 1996. Collaborator with RDP-ÁFRICA on the Consultório Jurídico programme since 1996.


08h30 - Arrival and registration of participants

09h00 – Opening

Ana Gaudêncio (Member of the UCILeR’s Coordinating Board)

Marta Graça, Niedja Santos e Marcelly Gullo (Legal SciComm Project)

09h15 - Workshop on Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Techniques with Non-Lawyers and Lawyers

Alexandra Aragão (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Researcher at UCILeR)


10h45– Transference of Knowledge for Legal Research Communication

Joanna Osiejewicz (Associate professor and head of Department of International Legal Communication, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, Poland)

11h15 – Presentations - Call for papers

A Taxonomy of Stakeholders in Legal Research Communication - Niedja Santos, Marcelly Gullo (University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research),

Vieses algorítmicos e discriminação: alcançando públicos não especializados a partir do documentário Coded Bias - Carla Barbosa, Stéfani Patz (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)

Law back to the people - Carlota Ucín (School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Podcast: Ampliando o Acesso à Investigação Jurídica - Luiza Franco (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)

A comunicação da investigação jurídica nas redes sociais - Louise Beja (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)


12h15 - How can the law be uncomplicated? How can social media be an ally of legal research communication?

Luísa Teixeira da Mota and Inês Rogério (Lawyers, Pão de Law)

12h45 – LUNCH

14h15 - Communicating Legal Research with Visual Legal Rhetoric and Artificial Intelligence

Michael D. Murray (Spears Gilbert Associate Professor of Law at the University of Kentucky, J. David Rosenberg College of Law)

14h45 – Law and Society: Podcast Consultório Jurídico

Adriano Malalane (Lawyer, Consultório Jurídico RTP África)

15h15 - Presentations- Call for papers

Communicating the Methodology of Comparative Law Research in Legal Translator Training: A Gap to Be Filled - Przemysław Kusik (University of Warsaw)

Associação de divulgação científica voltada para o público não especializado - Dany Casimiro (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)

Apontamentos sobre a relevância da comunicação da investigação jurídica com públicos não especializados e estratégias práticas para a disseminação de resultados - Juliana Gomes Chediek (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)


16h15– Coffee-break

16h30 – Presentations - Call for papers

Cocriação, Legal Design e Visual Law para Comunicação do Direito - Giulia Parola (Università degli Studi di Torino), Cecília Campos (Universidade federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)

Discovering Criminology - Alicia González Monje, Ana Isabel García Alfaraz (University of Salamanca)

The Medimare Communication Project and Strategy - Roberta M Donato (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)

Investigação Jurídica, Incêndios Florestais e Cinematografia: Como o cinema pode ser um aliado à comunicação de ciência e um propulsor de sensibilização do risco? - Karoline Vitali (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)

Comunicação social de entendimentos em matéria de Direito do Trabalho no Desporto - Rafael Ramos (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra)


17h30 - Communicating with Justice

Mariana Oliveira (Jornalist, Público)

18h00 – Closing

Fernando Borges (Member of the UCILeR’s Coordinating Board)

Abstract Submission

The call for abstract is open to students and researchers to share their knowledge and experience on communication of legal research to non-specialized audiences, such as the private sector and policy makers. The call is also open to the communication of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).

We invite students and researchers to this debate on the role and importance of the SSH and the communication of legal research with society. We look forward to an exchange of ideas on the communication of legal research. This includes the communication of legal research developed in undergraduate, master's, doctoral, postdoctoral, postgraduate, and specialization courses, as well as in independent initiatives, and on various topics related to the communication of legal research with lay audiences.

Possible topics include: techniques, ways/tools, participatory and/or performative forms of construction and critical reflection (e.g. visual law and legal design, legislative theatre, etc.); communication through podcasts, social networks, videos, comics, press releases, among others.

Each author is limited to a maximum of two submissions as an author or co-author.

Abstracts in Portuguese or English with up to 250 words should be submitted by 10 19 October 2023 to msgraca@ij.uc.pt.

The information on selected proposals will be done until 25 October 2023.

Full Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit a full paper until 31 December 2023.

Submissions must be written in internationally accepted, standard English to be considered for peer review. Legal SciComm Conference will not accept research papers that were submitted or accepted for publication in a journal or have already been published.

A maximum length of 7000 words, including the abstract, figures, tables, reference list.

Review Process

Initial Screening: Each submitted paper will first be reviewed by members of the Organizing Committee for completeness, formatting, plagiarism, and adherence to the conference's thematic.

Review: the paper will undergo double-blind peer review process by two referees.

Paper Acceptance: The authors will receive a review decision within two to four weeks after submission.

Submissions must follow the formatting guidelines and be sent in doc(x) to msgraca@ij.uc.pt.

Guidelines here and full text template here


The Conference will be hybrid, so you can present your accepted abstract virtually or in-person.

Oral presentation - The presentations are divided into three panels and each presentation will last a maximum of 10 minutes. The question and answer session will take place at the end of each panel.

Room Equipment – The room will be equipped with a laptop pre-installed with PowerPoint, as well as an LCD projector. Presenters who choose to participate remotely need a computer with an internet connection and speakers/headphones.

Editorial Policies


After peer review, accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceeding.

The Conference Proceeding will be published online in a PDF and will be available in open access and at the UCILeR Website. No changes are allowed after this stage. Upon publication, the conference proceeding will receive an eISBN and a DOI number.

Aims & Scope

The Conference Proceeding will be published in open access with eISBN and DOI numbers under the publisher University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research, Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. The Conference Proceeding aims to make a significant contribution, in terms of theory and practice, to the studies related to science communication of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), especially the communication of legal research to non-specialized audiences.

Only manuscripts presented at the conference and received according to publication guidelines and timelines will be published in the Conference Proceeding.

Abstracting & Indexing

Once published, it will be submitted for evaluation and possible coverage in Web of Science Core Collection™ Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI-SSH).

Ethics & Malpractice Statement

The UCILeR Ethics and Good Practices Plan can be consult here.

Peer review policy

The peer review process helps to validate and improve the quality of the research. All submissions for possible publication are subjected to a double-blind peer review process. The submitted manuscripts will go through a peer review process managed by the conference’s organizing committee and external reviewers.

Reviewers should ensure manuscripts meet the scope of the conference and satisfy minimum quality criteria, and follow the COPE’s Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Open Access

UCILeR is committed to Open Access (OA) to facilitate the rapid development of research and to make scholarly work available to everyone without financial, legal, or technical constraints.

Important Dates

I Legal SciComm Conference: Communicating Legal Research date: 30 November 2023

Abstract submission Deadline: 10 19 October 2023

Results of selected proposals: 25 October 2023

Conference Programme Published Online: 26 October 2023

Registration: 26 October 2023 - 28 November 2023

Full Conference paper submission: 31 December 2023

Conference Proceedings available online (targeted date): 31 July 2024

Book of Abstracts

Venue & Location

University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR)
Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Colégio da Trindade, Room 1.02, 3000-018 Coimbra, Portugal