Food Heritage and Territorial Development

270 horas
Blended learning
Language(s) of instruction
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Next edition

Registration period

17/07/2024 a 17/07/2024

Course duration

17/07/2024 a 17/07/2024


O curso em Património Alimentar e Desenvolvimento do Território procura promover e aprofundar o conhecimento e estudo sobre alimentação, gastronomia e produção agroalimentar enquanto fatores determinantes da cultura, do património, da saúde e bem-estar de pessoas e da sustentabilidade dos territórios.


1 diploma por Micromódulo (45H, 10 ECTS)
1 diploma do Curso de Pós-graduação pela aprovação nos 6 Micromódulos (270H, 60 ECTS)


Presencial e online

Síncrono 9h/Semana (2 Dias)

Coordenação do Curso:

Carmen Soares - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra                 


Claudete Oliveira Moreira - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra


Para mais informações, consulte:

Património Alimentar & Desenvolvimento do Território (uc.pt)




To promote and deepen the knowledge and study of food, gastronomy and agro-food production as determining factors of culture, heritage, health and well-being of people and sustainability of territories.  Recognize the close relationship between the geographic characteristics of the territory, food heritage, authenticity and identity. To assess, in an era of global consumption, the importance of food heritage for local development, for the experience economy, for tourism and for territorial branding. To diversify strategies for the valorisation of food and gastronomic products based on a more consolidated knowledge of their presence in the Portuguese tangible and intangible cultural heritage and their cultural, artistic and literary history. To explore the importance of investment in the quality of food heritage, creativity, innovation, partnerships and networks for territorial competitiveness. To provide operative instruments for increasing the competitiveness of businesses, products, brands and the notoriety of destinations linked to food heritage. To promote innovation, entrepreneurship and marketing strategies linked to the production and commercialization of Portuguese food and gastronomy.

Skills to develop

To develop skills in:

  • critical analysis of sources (oral, written and iconographic) on food heritage;
  • recognition and inventorying of intangible food heritage;
  • reflection on the representation of Portuguese food and gastronomy in history, religiosity, literary culture and imagery;
  • benchmarking in gastronomic tourism and wine tourism;
  • organization and management of gastronomic and wine events.

Access conditions

Hold a bachelor's degree or, in the absence of such academic degree, have an academic, scientific or professional curriculum considered relevant for the attendance of this course by the respective course coordination.

Under Regulation No 1126/2022 for the Attribution of Incentives for the Training of Young People and Adults, published in the DR of November 21, 2022:
  • Any financial benefits that may be granted under the PRR are conditional on candidates holding a Portuguese NIF and residing in Portugal, at the time of the course;
  • Trainees who wish to repeat training for which they have not been approved and for which they have already benefited from a scholarship are not eligible for a scholarship;
  • Trainees who register in a course or initiative financed by PRR-LFA (Investments RE-C06.i03.03 – Adult Incentive and RE-C06.i04.01 – Impulso Jovens STEAM, opened by Notice 01/PRR/2021), accept that they were aware of the total/partial discount on the price defined for the course, initiative and/or attendance expenses and authorize that it be granted if its attribution is decided under the regulations in force.

Predominant scientific area


Languages of learning/evaluation


Study plan

1 Portuguese Food Heritage and Tourism

  • To understand the tourism system, its components and trends.
  • To distinguish the differentiating elements of regions and their landscapes in the construction of a cultural mapping, aiming to provide arguments that enhance tourism experiences.
  • To understand benchmarking in Tourism and Food Heritage, the concepts, objectives and applicability.
  • To develop benchmarking technical skills and provide operational tools to increase the competitiveness of businesses, products, brands and awareness of destinations.
  • To develop technical skills associated with the events to launch, to present or disseminate new products, experiences and destinations in the tourism market.
  • To understand the importance of organising events around the Food Heritage for the promotion of products, brands and destinations.

2 Portuguese Food Heritage: Production, Innovation and Consumption

Theoretical Skills

  • Identify the commodities, products, processes of Portuguese, specially those from Alcobaça region.
  • Locate the agri-food products and respective production areas, in Portugal, and understand the evolution of the production, its importance regarding their historical, social, economic and cultural context.
  • Recognize the importance of the relationship between tradition and innovation and the impact on Portuguese Food Heritage.
  • Understand, the agri-food consumption and its evolution, consumers’ profile and how they’ve been evolving.

Practical skills:

  • Understand, throughout cases-studies, the importance of agri-food products and respective regional impact regarding social, economic and cultural context.

3 Portuguese Food Culture and Heritage

  • To improve the knowledge and study of food and gastronomy as determinant factors of culture and heritage.
  • To understand the concept of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • To identify good practices for safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • To understand the concepts of “tradition” and “heritage” applied to food.
  • To distinguish recognise the differences and intersections of the concepts of “food”, “culinary”, “cuisine” and “gastronomy”.
  • To develop technical competences in the research and registration of the Portuguese food heritage.
  • To know, identify and dominate operative instruments for safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage, in particular the food heritage.

4 Portuguese Food Heritage: Entrepreneurship and Marketing

  • Stimulate creative and entrepreneurial skills for market need sustainable problem solving;
  • Develop skills in detection and validation of business opportunities/projects;
  • Provide students with conceptual, political and operational tools to support the creation and management of business and / or project (s);
  • Preparing graduates for the creation and communication of value propositions and business concepts.

5 Lifestyles and Portuguese Food Heritage

  1. To distinguish the concepts of health behaviour, risk behaviour, lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) and quality of life.
  2. To identify lifestyle variables, describing their impact on health.
  3. To characterize different types of sustainable diets.
  4. To identify and characterize the different herbs and understand their relationship with health.
  5. To acquire knowledge about salt in our food and its relationship with health.
  6. To know the traditional activity of drying fish.
  7. To understand the importance of sleep for overall health.
  8. To understand the importance of well-being and its relationship to health.

6 Portuguese Food and Gastronomic representations: Imagetics, History, Literary Culture and Religiosity

  • Identify commodities, products, processes of food and gastronomic heritage present in the Portuguese cultural events.
  • Locate the goods, products and processes of food and gastronomy present in the cultural events in their historical, social, economic and cultural context.
  • Categorize the dominant food and gastronomic typologies in the national space based on their characteristics, their diffusion and impact as representations.
  • Relate the food and gastronomic culture with cultural expressions (images, literature, art, religiosity).
  • Understand concepts such as seasonality, circular character, timing, dependent on the relationship with the territory, climate and environment.
  • Apply in a professional context, information validated by the knowledge of cultural representations of food and gastronomy.
  • Diversify strategies for enhancing gastronomy from the knowledge of its presence in the tangible and intangible cultural heritage.


Education Institutes

University of Coimbra

Organic unit(s)


Centro(s) de investigação

Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies
Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território