December 20

José Carlos Seabra Pereira

(Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra)

"Covenanters - with Sophia"

November 8

Maria Isabel Donas Botto

(University of Coimbra)

"At table with the Victorians"

May 31

Maria Aparecida Ribeiro

(University of Lisbon)

"Mouth watering: knowledge and flavours in the work of Jorge Amado"

April 24

Manuel Ferro

(Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra)

"Refinement, opulence and dazzle:
the decadence of the Sicilian aristocracy at table during the political unification of Italy"

March 14

Cristina Robalo

(Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra)

"O jantar mundano e o drama da vida:

histórias servidas à mesa (na novela francesa do século XIX)"