December 13

Ana Isabel Buescu


"Table and apparatus in the dowry of the Infanta D. Beatriz,

Duchess of Savoy (1504-1538)"

November 30

Maria do Céu Fialho

(University of Coimbra)

"At the memory table with Vergílio Ferreira"

July 6

Paulo Silva Pereira


"Gluttony and lust in the Luso-Brazilian Baroque:

Friar Lucas de Santa Catarina, Gregório de Matos and others"

May 22

Inês de Ornellas e Castro


"D. Leonor, Marquise of Alorna, a woman of the Enlightenment"

April 27

João Gouveia Monteiro


"Food, hunger and death in the chronicles of Fernão Lopes"