/ Research Groups

Aging Brain Group

Ira Milosevic Group
ira.milosevic@fmed.uc.pt | ORCID



As we age, our nervous system and brain undergo natural, and sometimes pathological, changes. Together with our collaborators, we study the changes in neuronal and synaptic morphology and functions with aging. More specifically, we aim to understand molecular and cellular processes at the neuronal synapse that deteriorate with age, and lead to increased disease susceptibility. To tackle these questions, we use murine and human cellular model systems, and employ electrophysiology and advanced imaging.

Recent publications:

Narayanan U, Musa M, Bou Dib P, Raimundo N, Milosevic I, Krisko A (2020) ATP hydrolysis by yeast Hsp104 determines protein aggregate dissolution and size in vivo Nat Comm, 11(1):5226

Kondratiuk I, Jakhanwal S, Jin J, Narayanan U, Kroppen B, Krisko A, Meinecke M, Asheri U, Jahn R, D. Fasshauer, Milosevic I (2020) PI(4,5)P2-dependent regulation of exocytosis by amisyn, a vertebrate-specific competitor of synaptobrevin 2. PNAS USA, 117(24):13468-79

Gowrisankaran S, Houy S, Pena JC, Steubler V, Gelker M, Kroll J, Pechstein A, Schwitters D, Halbsgut N, Pinheiro PS, van Weering JRT, Martizen T, Haucke V, Raimundo N, Sørensen JB, Milosevic I (2020) Endophilin-A controls priming and fusion of secretory vesicles via intersectin. Nat Comm 11(1):1266

Fonseca TB, Sánchez-Guerrero A, Milosevic I, Raimundo N (2019) Mitochondrial fission requires Drp1 but not dynamins. Nature 570(7761):E34-E42

Farsi Z, Gowrisankaran S, Matija K, Rammner B, Woehler A, Mim C, Jahn R, Milosevic I@ (2018) Clathrin coat controls vesicle acidification by blocking vacuolar ATPase activity. eLife 7, doi: 10.7554/eLife.32569


We are thankful to:

FCT for supporting our research work through a grant PTDC/MED-NEU/8030.

La Caixa Foundation - Caixa Research Health Research 2022 Call - for funding the project «Towards a better understanding of synapse dysfunction».