
For 2nd MIA-Portugal Spring School inquiries, please contact the organisation, sending an email to:


Hotel Vila Galé Coimbra

Rua Abel Dias Urbano, 20
3000-001 Coimbra

How to Get from Lisbon or Porto airports to Coimbra (Hotel Vila Galé)

Coimbra is halfway between Lisbon and Porto, which makes it one of the most popular stops between these two cities.

The fast train is the easiest way to get to Coimbra from Lisbon or Porto airports.

By train

There are frequent trains from Lisbon and Porto to Coimbra. The service is operated by CP.

Choose the high-speed Alfa Pendular (AP) train, which runs every hour or so. The fastest train takes 1:30 hours. Tickets can be booked on CP’s website.

In Lisbon, trains leave from Santa Polónia and Oriente stations. Oriente is the modern station in Parque das Nações, close to the airport (about 6 min in the subway).

In Porto fast trains leave from Campanhã. To get there from the Porto Airport to Campanhã, you can use the Metro (about 40 min) or taxi.

From Coimbra station to the Hotel

From Coimbra B station to the Hotel Vila Galé, you can walk for 15 minutes or take a taxi/uber.