
15 setembro, 2023
Ecology Day 2023
13 setembro, 2023
New publication - National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation
04 setembro, 2023
New technical publication! The importance of the diversity of habitats surrounding the orchard
31 agosto, 2023
Conserve Plants MC and WG meetings have finished!
25 agosto, 2023
New publication! Phylogenetic, cytogenetic and morphological evidences are critical for recognizing a new genus: Valdesiana, an Iberian intergeneric allopolyploid between Schenkia and Exaculum
25 agosto, 2023
Interview to Wilder - Europe has 2,138 wild bee species, reveals new list
24 agosto, 2023
FLOWer lab participates in the launching of Pollinator Academy
04 agosto, 2023
New publication! Global taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bees in apple orchards
24 julho, 2023
20 julho, 2023
Victória presented her MSc thesis!
14 julho, 2023
New publication! Competitive ability, neopolyploid establishment and current distribution of a diploid–tetraploid plant complex
14 julho, 2023
Luísa Carvalheiro visit
14 julho, 2023
Rita Alcaire Workshop - Communication for Diversity
10 julho, 2023
Rafael Carvalho at SusTEC SUMMER SCHOOL
10 julho, 2023
New publication! New contributions to the Portuguese bee fauna (HYMENOPTERA: ANTHOPHILA), with captures from recent pollination ecology studies
07 julho, 2023
Kick-Off Meeting of polli.NET Biological Collection Group
05 julho, 2023
FLOWer Lab Sunset!
04 julho, 2023
FLOWer lab participates in EU Report
30 junho, 2023
GreenSavers Article - "Polinizadores, os pequenos grandes heróis do mundo das flores"
27 junho, 2023
New publication! "The Use of Flow Cytometry for Estimating Genome Sizes and DNA Ploidy Levels in Plants"
27 junho, 2023
3rd Annual polli.NET Meeting
24 junho, 2023
FLOWer Lab Field Trip in Camino de Hierro
22 junho, 2023
Bruna and Margarida presented their internship projects!
21 junho, 2023
New publication! "Ploidy effects on the relationship between floral phenotype, reproductive investment, and fitness in an autogamous species complex"
202 artigos encontrados