New Publication! Fruit wings accelerate germination in Anacyclus clavatus

26 janeiro, 2024≈ 2 min read

Seeds have wings too! This is the motto of the most recent publication involving the FLOWer Lab!
In this scientific article in the American Journal of Botany, with the collaboration of several members and ex-members of the FLOWer Lab (Lucie Mota, Ana Afonso and José Cerca), we determined the role of wings in the germination of seeds of the species of the composite family, Anacyclus clavatus.
Led by Rubén Torices and Lucía DeSoto (former members of the Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet), this study suggests that seed wings play a crucial role not only in dispersal but also in plant establishment, increasing the likelihood of germination by absorbing water.
Read the full article here: