New publication! Agrotec 45

10 janeiro, 2023≈ 5 min read

New FLOWer Lab publication!

In an effort to highlight the importance of #pollination in the kiwi crop, and to make this information reach a large number of farmers, we present you the 3rd technical-scientific publication dedicated to the kiwi crop that we published in 2022: Artificial pollination in Kiwi.

Authored by several members of FLOWer Lab led by Helena Castro and Sílvia Castro, this article was published in the most recent issue of AGROTEC - Revista Técnico-Científica Agrícola and was developed within the operational group i9Kiwi (, led by Joana Costa (Instituto Pedro Nunes).

We hope you enjoy it!

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#i9kiwi #kiwi #cfe_uc #cfe_flowerlab #FLOWerLab #flowerpower #polinizadores #polinização #pollination #pollinators #agrotec

Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Departamento de Ciências da Vida - UC, FCTUC, APK - Associação Portuguesa de Kiwicultores