Lucie Mota in Biosfera podcast

28 setembro, 2022≈ 3 min read

Lucie Mota in Biosfera Podcast!

On the occasion of the most recent publication of FLOWer Lab (Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Departamento de Ciências da Vida - UC, FCTUC): "Flower strips and remnant semi-natural vegetation have different impacts on pollination and productivity of sunflower crops" published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, Lucie Mota, 1st author of the scientific paper, was invited to participate in Podcast Biosfera, where she spoke about the importance of flower strips on pollination and productivity of sunflower crops.

Listen here:

Apple Podcast -

Spotify -

Find out more about the key findings and conclusions at the link below and read the full article here:

This work was developed in the framework of Proyecto Poll-Ole-Gi Sudoe.

#sunflower #pollinators #greeninfrastructure #pollination