Sílvia Castro, co-PI of FLOWer Lab (Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet) is one of the guest speakers for the Broterian Society's Talk of the month of February, which takes place on the 22nd at 16h30, in hybrid mode.
In this cycle dedicated to research inspired by Jorge Paiva, Sílvia will talk about the mystery of the polygal hermit, the species she studied during her PhD.
This tertulia will also include the participation of Ana Coelho from the Coimbra University Herbarium that will present the project "Seeds of Beauty".
For those who do not have the opportunity to attend in person, we leave you the link to register: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/.../tJwpfuGrqj4vGNLBycy...
#sociedadebroteriana #jorgepaiva #tertuliasdasociedadebroteriana #tertulias #flowerpower #FLOWer_lab #FLOWerlab #cfe_uc #cfe_flowerlab