No próximo dia 11 de abril, pelas 14 horas, no auditório da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, realiza-se uma Aula aberta no âmbito da unidade curricular de Segurança Internacional da licenciatura em Relações Internacionais.

Aula aberta

“Natural Gas at the Frontline Between the EU, Russia and Ukraine: Shifting Energy Security Dynamics?"

11 de abril, 14h, auditório da FEUC

Roxana Andrei, Investigadora Integrada no CEI_Iscte

Sessão aberta a toda a comunidade.

Roxana Gabriela Andrei is an International Affairs and Security expert, working in the field of international security, energy policy, conflict resolution, peacebuilding and defence, being currently an integrated researcher at the Centre for International Studies of the University of Lisbon. Since 2019, she has been collaborating with the EU¿s European Defence Agency in the framework of the long-term project "Consultation Forum For Sustainable Energy in the Defence And Security Sector". She obtained her Ph.D. Summa cum Laude in International Politics and Conflict Resolution at the University of Coimbra in Portugal, on which occasion was granted a researcher-in-residence fellowship at the OSCE¿s Documentation Centre in Prague. The doctoral research was awarded a fellowship from the Foundation for Science and Technology in Portugal (2015-2019). Roxana has a solid experience working in international organisations, for the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, the European Union¿s Centre for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (CEDEFOP), as well as a Programmes Coordinator of numerous international projects in the field of conflict management, peacebuilding and human rights, in the public and non-governmental sector. She published books, book chapters, peer-reviewed articles and reports and she delivered numerous conference presentations and lectures in international settings on topics related to the conflict-cooperation dynamics in the Black Sea, South Caucasus and the Eastern Mediterranean regions, to the foreign policy of the EU, Russia and Turkey, as well as to the energy security developments in Europe and its neighbourhood.