No dia 6 de abril, às 14h (hora de Lisboa) realiza-se, via zoom, um seminário no âmbito do Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet.

Danita Catherine Burke, research fellow na University of Southern Denmark e fundadora da Women in the Arctic and Antarctic, é a oradora convidada desta “Jean Monnet Lecture” onde abordará o tema “Environmental Organisations in the Arctic: Audiences, Stigma and the Nuances of Regional Engagement in the 21st Century”.

Detalhes Zoom:

ID da reunião: 880 8801 5044

Senha de acesso: 797770

“Environmental Organisations in the Arctic: Audiences, Stigma and the Nuances of Regional Engagement in the 21st Century”

The term ‘environmental non-governmental organisations’ is deceptive; it give the impression of a monolithic group of actors. In reality, the individual organisations that fall under the classification range considerably in what they do and believe in, why they do what they do, how they conduct themselves, where they focus their resources and attention and whom they prioritize in terms of audiences for their messaging and advocacy work. This presentation will introduce listeners to some of the nuances and history of environmental advocacy in the Arctic, particularly the North American North. Dr. Danita Catherine Burke will take the audience on a journey to raising awareness of what she argues are foundational pillars of how environmental organisations are perceived in the Arctic: legacy, networks, scientific engagement and communication style. Dr. Burke will unpack the broad implications of these pillars on the appeal of organisations to key regional audiences, namely Arctic state governments and their representatives and local and Indigenous peoples of the North. Dr. Burke’s presentation will draw upon her research in her forthcoming monograph with Manchester University Press titled WWF and its Path to Success in the Arctic, as well as her broader research on the legacy of the anti-sealing movement, Arctic Council observer membership selection and Greenpeace’s complex legacy in the Arctic/North.

Dr. Danita Catherine Burke is a research fellow at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark and the founder of the Women in the Arctic and Antarctic. Dr. Burke has a PhD in International Politics from Aberystywyth University and her research focuses Arctic and northern politics and history, particularly in the areas of diplomacy dynamics, the relationship between environmental protection and sustainable development, policy and dispute implications of national identification with the North and Arctic, environmental organisations as political actors, and conceptualizing security actors and concerns. Dr. Burke’s work includes three monographs: WWF and its Path to Success in the Arctic (Under contract, Manchester University Press), Diplomacy and the Arctic Council (2019, McGill-Queens University Press), International Disputes and Cultural Ideas in the Canadian Arctic: Arctic Sovereignty in the National Consciousness (2018, Palgrave Macmillan). Her work also includes numerous journal publications including: “The Case for a Greenpeace Apology to Newfoundland and Labrador” (2021, The Northern Review), “Re-establishing Legitimacy after Stigmatization: Greenpeace in the North American North” (2020, Polar Record), “WWF and Trust in the Arctic” (2020, Routledge: In Non-Human Nature in World Politics edited by Joana Castro Pereira and André Saramago), and “Bridging Troubled Waters: History as Political Opportunity Structure” (2014, Journal of Civil Society). You can learn more about Dr. Burke on her WiAA website profile.

O Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet é um dos Programas Jean Monnet criados pela Comissão Europeia e destinados a promover a valorização do ensino superior e a investigação científica de alto nível em matéria de integração europeia em qualquer parte do mundo. Entre os Programas Jean Monnet ele é o mais exigente e, por isso, o mais difícil de ser obtido. É outorgado por concurso público de âmbito mundial. É atribuído a uma Universidade no seu conjunto, embora a candidatura possa ser apresentada por uma ou mais Faculdades ou por um ou mais Titulares de uma Cátedra Jean Monnet. Deste grau de exigência resulta que o Centro de Excelência só é concedido a Universidades de mérito já comprovado em matéria de integração europeia e que na respetiva candidatura demonstrem possuir capacidade e condições, designadamente a nível de meios humanos e científicos, para merecer essa distinção. Na sua atribuição é privilegiado o carácter pluridisciplinar do Centro.

O Centro de Excelência da Universidade de Coimbra foi-lhe concedido através de uma candidatura sob o tema geral PRONE - Peace Relations, Ontologies and Narratives in Europe: EU and its Eastern Neighbours, apresentada pela sua Faculdade de Economia e tendo como sua Coordenadora Académica a Professora Doutora Maria Raquel Freire, Professora Catedrática da FEUC e Titular de uma Cátedra Jean Monnet. O Centro de Excelência irá envolver, ainda, Professores da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia e da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.