/ Mestrados / Economia / Plano de Estudos

Double Degrees

The University of Coimbra and the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, join forces in a double degree, giving you the opportunity to study in two countries and obtain two Master’s degrees in just two years.

Your first year and the second semester of your second year will take place in Coimbra; the first semester of your second year in Bratislava.

Once you have successfully obtained all required credits (120 ECTS), you will be awarded:

    • from the University of Coimbra, a Master in Economics.
    • from the University of Economics in Bratislava, a Master in Applied Economics.

  • Webpage of our partner university - University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA): https://nhf.euba.sk/en/
  • Eligible study program: Master in Economics (Mestrado em Economia)
  • Semester and year of study in the partner university: first semester, 2nd year of the study plan
  • Study plan: link to PDF
  • Tuition fee payable at partner university: not applicable
  • Funding opportunities: Erasmus+ funding (contact Gabinete Relações Internacionais - intfeuc@fe.uc.pt)
  • Application Period: first semester, 1st year of the Master in Economics at FEUC
  • Contact persons: coordinators of the Master in Economics at FEUC (https://www.uc.pt/feuc/eea/mestrados/economia/equipa-docente/ )