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César Rodríguez-Garavito | 2012-2013

Cátedra Boaventura de Sousa Santos em Ciências Sociais 2012|2013

César Rodríguez-Garavito | Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)

Director of the Program on Global Justice and Human Rights of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and is a founding member of the Center for Law, Justice and Society Studies (Dejusticia). He has been visiting professor at the Brown University (USA), University of Pretoria (South Africa), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (Brazil), New York University (USA), Åbo Center for Human Rights (Finland), and Irish Center for Human Rights (Ireland) and Andina Simón Bolívar University (Ecuador). He is also member of the editorial committee for the Annual Review of Law and Social Science and columnist at the daily paper El Espectador.



From Belo Monte to Sarayaku: Extractive Capitalism, Environmental Conflicts, and Indigenous Rights in Social Minefields

14 dezembro 2012 |16h30 | Anfiteatro 3.1| FEUC

Resumo: This paper explores the role of transnational law and politics in socio-environmental conflicts over development, natural resource extraction, and indigenous peoples’ rights. It focuses on the sociolegal site where these conflicts have been most visible and acute: consultations with indigenous peoples prior to the undertaking of economic projects that affect them. I argue that legal disputes over prior consultation are part of a broader process of juridification of ethnic claims. I examine the plurality of public and private regulations involved in this process, and trace their affinity with the procedural logic of neoliberal global governance. I further argue that this is a highly contested field, as shown by the legal strategies and regulatory frameworks on consultation which the global indigenous rights movement has advanced in opposition to neoliberalism. Drawing on a comparative ethnography of three highly visible socio-environmental conflicts in Latin America that have been the object of decisions by the Inter-American Human Rights System -- oil exploration in the Sarayaku people's land in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the impact of the Urrá dam in northern Colombia, and the construction of the Belo Monte dam in the Brazilian Amazon, -- I study consultation in action and document its ambiguous effects on indigenous peoples’ rights and environmental justice.


Investigación-Acción 2.0: Un nuevo mapa para los investigadores-activistas en un mundo multimédia

11 dezembro 2012 | CES-Coimbra

Resumo: La investigación-acción (IA) ha sido uno de los aportes centrales de las ciencias sociales del Sur global y ha tenido influencia alrededor internacional. Formulada originalmente para contextos locales, la IA enfrenta nuevos desafíos en un mundo global. ¿Cómo hacerla relevante para movimientos sociales y colectivos académicos que funcionan con las lógicas descentralizadas de las redes? ¿Cómo aprovechar el potencial de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para promover colaboraciones horizontales entre investigadores-activistas, que generen conocimiento útil para las causas sociales en diferentes regiones del mundo? Esta conferencia ofrece elementos teóricos y prácticos para responder estas preguntas, con el fin de proyectar la IA hacia una lógica en red, horizontal y multimedia de diálogo académico e incidencia pública.

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