/ Projetos de Investigação / MediMARE

MediMARE GAMES - Ship's Deviation

MediMARE GAMES are a series of games related to the project's main issues in order to promote the knowledge and reflection about maritime disputes and mediation.

Ship's Deviation

In this game,the player will be able to think about Deviation

Deviation is when a ship changes its route due to justifiable causes, such as saving lives, supporting another ship in danger or without justifiable cause. Deviation may lead to a delay in the contract deadlines. Unjustified deviation is a fundamental breach of contract and the charterer has the right to elect to terminate the contract.

Your company spent several months in an arbitration procedure/litigation which did not render the result you have expected.

Your company suffered major financial distress, and have distroyed the comercial relationship you had with Ship Maria.

Do you want to start again?