/ Projetos de Investigação / MediMARE

MediMARE Game - Damaged Cargo

MediMARE GAMES are a series of games related to the project's main issues in order to promote the knowledge and reflection about maritime disputes and mediation.

Damaged Cargo

In this game,the player will be able to think about a cargo damaged situation.

When damage is caused to the cargo that was in a container, it is important to define legal liability for loss or damage to goods between all transport members in a Combined Transport or Through Transport Operation. Sometimes it is hard to define when the damage happened since the container is closed during the transportation.

Mediators have to be impartial. According to UNCITRAL Mediation Rules 2021, article 3, number 4,

“In recommending or selecting individuals to act as mediator, the institution or person shall have regard to:

  1. The professional expertise and qualifications of the prospective mediator, experience as a mediator and ability to conduct the mediation;
  2. Any relevant accreditation and/or certification awarded to the prospective mediator by a recognized professional mediation standards body;
  3. The availability of the mediator; and
  4. Such considerations as are likely to secure the appointment of an independent and impartial mediator”.

A mediation procedure has started with the seller, the railroad transporter, the maritime transporter, and road transporter. The railroad transporter wants to bring a judicial expert to produce evidence that no damage happened to the merchandise while in his possession.

So, your choice of mediator was great! Congratulations! It seems like a great fit, and your mediation procedure will most probably run smoothly!

Thank you for playing the MediMare Game “Damaged Cargo”

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For more information about the MediMare Project, please visit our website at medimare.eu