Special Collections

The Mathematical Library's Special Collections.

20 outubro, 2019≈ 2 mins de leitura

The Mathematical Library has some special collections in its holdings, obtained by purchase or donation, the most significant being those of former teachers of the Faculty of Mathematics or the Mathematics Section of the Faculty of Sciences. This page lists the bibliographic records of some of these collections, the oldest of which entered the Mathematical Library in the years following its foundation in 1913.

For the elaboration of the biographical elements included therein were used, among other sources, the Minutes of the congregations of the Faculty of Sciences, the Minutes of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Mathematics and the works Memoria Professorum Universitatis Conimbrigensis (coord.: Manuel Augusto Rodrigues; Vol. 2: 1772-1937, Coimbra: Arquivo da Universidade, 1992) and Registos do séc. XX: professores que dirigiram as Faculdades de Matemática, de Filosofia, de Ciências, e de Ciências e Tecnologia (coord.: Lélio Quaresma Lobo; Coimbra: FCTUC, 1999).
