Recently, a new type of relativistic model has been used to describe nuclear systems, such as those found in NSs. It is based on the classical van der Waals (vdW) EoS, but generalized for quantum systems also including relativity in its structure. In this work we performed an improvement in a van der Waals-type model by including its effects of short-range correlations (SRCs). Attractive and repulsive parts of the nucleon–nucleon interaction are assumed to be density-dependent functions, more specifically, we adopt the Carnahan–Starling (CS) method for the latter, and a suitable expression for the former in order to reproduce the structure of the Clausius (C) real gas model. The parametrizations of the resulting model, named as Clausius-–Carnahan–Starling (CCS)-SRC model, are shown to be capable of reproducing the flow constraint at the high-density regime of symmetric nuclear matter for incompressibility values inside the range of K0 = (240 ± 20) MeV. In the context of
stellar matter, our findings point out a good agreement of the CCS-SRC model with recent astrophysical observational data, namely, mass–radius contours and dimensionless tidal deformability regions and values, coming from gravitational waves data related to the GW170817 and GW190425 events,and from the NASA's Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer mission.

Organized by: Catarina Cosme