Carla Sofia Rodrigues Pereira

Prediction of salinization effects on soil ecosystems due to climate changes

Catarina Santos Lopes

The role of vegetation cover and diet in explaining long-term changes in the breeding population of Little Terns (Sternula albifrons) in Ria Formosa, Algarve

Daniela Susana Rodrigues Tavares

Evolution of invasiveness: the case study of the invasive Oxalis pes-caprae in the Mediterranean basin

David Martins Acúrcio

Is contaminant-driven avoidance independent of distance? An experimental demosntration of the spacelessness theorem at a realistic scale

Dina Amanda Mendes Gonçalves

Mesozooplankton biomass and secondary production in a temperate estuary: effects of processes operating at different time scales

Eliana Caramujo Soukiazes

Multiple ornaments and sexual selection in a passerine bird: the Serin

Filipa Alexandra de Ferreira Reis

Collembola diversity in Portuguese forest stands: deriving surrogates for species richness and evaluating the effects of forest type and grazing

Joana Sofia Costa Neves Pais de Faria

Using a seabird top predator to assess the adequacy of the Berlengas Marine Protected Areas

João Filipe Bernardo Neves

Impact of illegal glass eel (Anguilla anguilla) fishery on estuarine fish stocks: a case study in the Mondego Estuary

José Pedro Moreirão Cerca Monteiro de Oliveira

Pollinator preference in a hybrid zone between two generalist plant species

Lucie Mota

Evolution of haploid chromosome numbers in the sunflower family. Are genomic duplications associated to ancient climate changes?

Marina Kuburic

Tolerance and co-tolerance of microbial communities on leaf litter to silver nanoparticles and antibiotics

Pedro Filipe Marques Isidoro

Using species traits to assess ecological integrity of urban streams

Ricardo João Cruz Silva Simões

Plantas Invasoras no Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra: contribuição para a elaboração de um plano gestão

Rita Alexandra Trindade da Silva

Costs of osmoregulation by Black-winged stilt chicks (Himantopus himantopus ) raised in high saline environments

Rui Daniel Antunes Machado

Diet and isotopic niche of insectivorous birds in montado and their potential role in pest regulation

Sanjay Saha Sonet

Do hyper-accumulator plants make good neighbours?

Sara Joana Pereira Pedro

Mercury accumulation in Gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua: spatial, temporal, and intraspecific variations

Sérgio Diogo Costa Ribeiro

Acacia longifolia and gall networks in Portugal: understanding the impacts and the implications for biocontrol

Tiago Miguel Guerreiro Valente

Feeding ecology of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua at Livingston Island (Antarctic)

Tilahun Mulatu Fikadu

Modelling Temporal and spatial changes in landscape configuration and land-management in Montado system: impact on diversity of land cover and biodiversity patterns

Tolutope Oluseyi Akeju

Assessment of the effects of the neonicotinoids thiacloprid and acetamiprid on soil fauna