Ana Catarina Vidinhas de Oliveira Connexin43 follows DUBstep: A Role for Deubiquitination in Gap Junctions life cycle
Ana Filipa Ferreira Ladeirinha Establishment of primary cell cultures from lung tissue biopsies and study of the celular metabolic responses to cisplatin and radiation exposure
Ana Francisca Silva de Lima

Differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells into vascular cells

Ana Isabel Reis dos Santos

Stimulation of Neural Stem Cell Proliferation by Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase

Ana Rita Fernandes Lourenço Sox4 post-translational modifications regulate transcriptional output: A critical role for tyrosine phosphorylation

Andreia Sofia Carvalho Pereira

Autism spectrum disorders: a brain morphometric and neurochemical study

Catarina Oliveira Praça de Almeida

The effect of methamphetamine on the crosstalk between endothelial cells and astrocytes

Cristiana de Jesus Oliveira Leite Differentaiation of mesenchymal stem cellss into neural progenitor-like cells and subsequente maturation into oligodentrocyte-like lineages

Daniel Ferreira dos Santos

Mitochondrial fusion and fission regulation in Parkinson’s Disease

Diana Isabel Queiros Guedes Rodrigues

Synaptic localization of the amyloid precursor protein in the rat hippocampus

Dominique Moreira Fernandes

Post-transcriptional mechanisms of regulation of AMPA receptors: regulation of GluA1 expression by the contactin associated protein 1

Inês Gomes de Oliveira e Castro

The peroxisome-mitochondria connection

Isabel Cristina do Vale Ferreira

Pharmacological screening of essential oils for identification of lead compounds to target inflammatory bowel disease

Luís Pedro de Araújo Leitão

Role of β-action local translation in axonal outgrowth

Luisa Filipa Morais dos Santos

Monocarboxylate transporters as potential therapeutic targets in breast cancer: inhibition studies in vitro models

Marcelo José Marques Correia

The role of GRIM-19 and interacting proteins in human tumours

Maria da Conceição Moutinho Pedroso Pereira

Role of PKCϒ cleavage and aurophagy in protein aggregation and clearance: spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 as a neurodegeneration model

Mariana Vagos Ribeiro

Novas estratégias terapêuticas para a leishmaniose: efeitos do p -cimeno e 2-nitro-p -cimeno em Leishmania Infantum

Pedro Daniel Rocha Rio

The GluN2B subunit of NMDARs and its role in glutamatergic synapses : towards the characterization of the proteome of postsynaptic densities from wild-type and GluN2B-null cultured neurons

Pedro Miguel Teixeira Beato Couto Brito

Estudo de marcadores bialélicos (SNPS) do cromossoma Y numa população africana (Angola)

Raquel Fernanda da Silva Alves

Avaliação molecular dos mecanismos envolvidos na sensibilidade e resistência ao Imatinib independente do BCRABL em Leucemia Miel.ide Cr.nicas

Remy Cardoso Sprague Dawley Rat as a non-transgenic animal model for the Testing of New Amyloid-Lowering Therapies

Sofia Pereira Constantino Romano

miR-126 and miR-126* Expression in Pulmonary Carcinomas: future important markers of carcinogenesis

Susana Margarida Martins Carmona Mecanismos de regulação epigenética na leucemia mieloide crónica – Perfil de expressão de microRNA

Tânia Marisa Melim Perestrelo

Actividades práticas para o ensino do ciclo do carbono no 8º ano de escolaridade

Telma Sofia Correia Bernardo

Dimethylaminopyridine Derivatives of Lupane Triterpenoids Acting as Mitochondrial-Directed Agents on Breast Cancer Cells

Vanessa Filipa Coelho Santos

Methamphetamine induces microglial cell death: protective effect of Interleukine-6
Vanessa Mendes Machado

Modulation on neural stem cell proliferation and migration by calpains