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GeoSpace Academy Group

The strategic plan and objectives outlined for the 'GeoSpace Academy' within CITEUC highlight a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to integrating education and research in Earth and space sciences, history of science, and scientific heritage. This multidisciplinary approach aims to leverage the unique resources and historical collections of the OGAUC to enrich education, promote scientific literacy, and preserve scientific heritage for future generations. In May 2023, the European Geosciences Union highlighted the declining emphasis on geosciences in pre-university education, advocating for constructivist educational strategies to build comprehensive and lasting knowledge. CITEUC's plan emphasises several key areas:

- Research into the history and culture of the observatory sciences: this objective aims to deepen the understanding of the historical and cultural contexts in which observatory science has developed, enhancing the appreciation of its contributions to scientific knowledge and technology.

- Historical collections study and conservation: by inventorying, conserving, and studying the OGAUC's extensive collections of instruments, data, and records, CITEUC plans to unlock the scientific and educational potential of these materials and make them accessible to all.

- Development of a searchable database of historical observational data: creating a database compiling historical data in accessible formats will be a crucial resource for researchers, educators, and the public, fostering greater engagement with the scientific heritage.

- Research applied to the teaching of sciences: focusing on training educators and conducting research on effective teaching practices, the initiative seeks to enhance the quality of science education and inspire the next generation of scientists and informed citizens.

- Curriculum development and innovative teaching: developing curricula integrating geosciences and astronomy with other disciplines and exploring pedagogical methodologies promoting curiosity and critical thinking. That aims to prepare future educators and professionals with a holistic understanding of our planet and the universe.

- Public awareness and education for all: by developing initiatives to increase public awareness of scientific culture and contributing to education for all, CITEUC aims to foster a knowledgeable society engaged with scientific and environmental challenges.

This comprehensive approach aims to advance scientific knowledge and pedagogy and cultivate a deeper public understanding of the importance of earth and space sciences. By connecting people with the rich history of scientific discovery and exploration, from terrestrial phenomena to the vastness of the cosmos, the "GeoSpace Academy" endeavours to enrich the educational landscape and foster a more informed and curious society.