/ Workshops

Workshop 1

1. How and when to approach senior (seabird) experts for research opportunities?

José C. Xavier (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Contact: jxavier@zoo.uc.pt

This workshop aims to briefly discuss the simple issue of "As an early career scientist, how do I approach a senior scientist?". As an early career scientist in the last International Polar Year 2007-08, and having the opportunity to be at the birth of the Association of Polar Early Scientists (APECS), it provided me with valuable experience in dealing with many senior scientists. Indeed, with a PhD in Seabird Ecology (Cambridge University & British Antarctic Survey), it provided additional abilities to understand how seabird ecologists are generally very nice, relaxed, friendly people. During the workshop, we will go through my world of how it worked for me, discuss together of potential avenues on how to do it, explain how I learned from other colleagues on ways to communicate with potential future collaborators/supervisors/friends in a wide range of circumstances (in conferences, in workshops, from a distance (E.g. by email)) and share the experience of 25 years working with seabird ecologists.

Potential product: group of tips for your future collaboration to all participant

Duration: 14 – 16:30 h | Maximum number of participants: 20