
We are very pleased to announce the International Meeting on Porous Skeletal Lesions (PSL): Achievements and Future Directions that will be held at the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra, on 7-8 July 2023.

Paleopathology and Bioarchaeology have been taking a renewed interest in the study of bone porosity in human skeletal remains as their complex origin and interpretation have not yet reached a consensus. PSLMeet 2023 intends to take the stock of theoretical, methodological, and terminological concepts, and boost current and future research.

Abstracts discussing the topic of porous skeletal lesions are welcome, both for podium and poster presentations.

We wish to provide a fruitful in-person environment of debate in a two-day meeting with a final hands-on workshop.

Any questions please contact us at pslucoimbra2023@gmail.com

Looking forward to welcoming you in Coimbra,

The Organizing Committee