6ª edição da Cátedra OIT

24 abril, 2023≈ 7 mins de leitura

No próximo dia 16 de maio, pelas 16h00, na sala Keynes da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra (FEUC), realiza-se a 6ª edição da “Cátedra Organização Internacional do Trabalho” (Cátedra OIT). A iniciativa é o culminar da inédita Simulação da Conferência Internacional do Trabalho realizada na Universidade de Coimbra.

Ao abrigo da “Cátedra OIT”, a FEUC tem vindo a acolher, desde 2018, especialistas e quadros técnicos com experiência nos temas chave da OIT com o propósito de estimular a partilha de saberes em áreas de interesse comum à FEUC (seus cursos e centros de investigação) e à OIT.

Nesta edição os temas em destaque são: “A «bill of rights» for seafarers: 10 years of the entry into force of the ILO's Maritime Labour Convention, 2006” e “ILO's response to the global youth employment challenge”.

Mais informações:


Sofia Amaral de Oliveira


“A «bill of rights» for seafarers: 10 years of the entry into force of the ILO's Maritime Labour Convention, 2006”


The ILO's Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) adopted in February 2006, entered into force on 20 August 2013, 12 months after 30 Members representing nearly 60 per cent of the world gross tonnage registered their ratifications. It was designed to be applicable globally as the "fourth pillar" of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, complementing the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) instruments dealing with safety and security of ships and protection of the marine environment. Consolidating nearly 70 conventions and recommendations adopted since the creation of the International Labour Organization in 1919, the MLC, 2006 is often called the "Seafarers' Bill of Rights", as it broadly regulates all aspects of the labour relation and sets minimum working and living conditions on board. It has a wide coverage, having currently been ratified by 102 countries, representing 96.6% of the world gross tonnage.

The presentation will focus on the innovative features of this convention, which make it one-of-a-kind in the context of the ILO´s International Labour Standards system. It will explore how these unique features have allowed the convention to evolve over the past 10 years, notably to protect seafarers´ rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, it will look to what lies ahead, identifying remaining challenges and gaps in seafarers'protection. (1)

(1)Any views expressed are the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Labour Organization.

Biographical note:

Sofia Amaral de Oliveira is currently a Legal Specialist in the Maritime Unit of the International Labour Standards Department at the International Labour Organization's headquarters in Geneva.

Throughout her professional life, she has contributed to the revision of labour laws, to minimum wage setting through social dialogue, to the adoption of work-life balance measures and the promotion of gender equality and decent working conditions in Europe and Africa. She joined the ILO in 2009 as an associate expert at the ILO-Lisbon Office, where she was responsible for liaising with the Executive Secretariat of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) and participating in technical assistance initiatives directed to those countries on labour inspection, as well as on the elimination of child labour and forced labour. She later worked at the ILO Decent Work Team for Central and Eastern European countries in Budapest as a specialist in working conditions, employment and gender equality, and, afterwards, as International Labour Standards and Labour Law Specialist for West Africa based in Dakar, where she provided legal assistance to governments and social partners for policy formulation, drafting of labour legislation and ratification, implementation and dissemination of international labour standards on a variety of subjects. Prior to joining the ILO, she worked at the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity of Portugal and in the private sector, as a lawyer enrolled in the Portuguese Bar Association.

She holds a degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where she later obtained a specialization in International Law and International Relations, and a Postgraduate degree in Labour and Social Security Law from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Maria Prieto

Title of the session:

“ILO's response to the global youth employment challenge”


Youth have disproportionately suffered from multiple shocks to the labour market over the passed few decades. Lately, the shock to the educational system due to COVID-19 lockdowns has had additional consequences. The impact of these shocks has varied from region to region and from country to country. In addition, the impact has been different for young women and young men. Other factors that have influenced impact on youth include levels of education, access to markets and technology, etc.

The ILO advocates for an integrated approach to youth employment policy development and implementation through the implementation of its Youth Employment Action Plan 2020-30. One of the main value-added of the organisation, reflected in the strategy, is its tripartite structure. A youth-inclusive social dialogue is thus an important tool used to support Member States to tackle the youth employment challenge and to create sustainable opportunities for the young generations.

Biographical note:

Maria Prieto is an Employment and future of work specialist in the Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch in the ILO’s Employment Policy Department. In her current position, she leads the work on the two interrelated strategic topics of youth employment and digitalization. Maria coordinates the implementation of the ILO’s Governing Body approved Youth Employment Action Plan 2020-30, as well as leads the work on digitalisation in the context of national employment policies. The Action plan supports ILO Member States around the world in the creation of decent work for young people.

Previously, Maria worked as a Specialist in the ILO’s Future of Work Initiative, where she provided technical support to the Global Commission on the Future of Work and to the work of the ILO on the subject. Maria has more than eighteen years of professional experience in the United Nations (ILO and UNDP) in positions that included thematic areas such as youth employment, digitalisation, local economic and social development, public-private partnerships for urban environment, small and micro enterprises, informal economy and infrastructure development.
