Ana Rita Gonçalves Coelho de Albuquerque Cabral The value of second broods in hole-nesting birds in a Mediterranean habitat in a climate change scenario
Bruno Rafael Rodrigues Miguel Effects of infrastructure development on large carnivores: An European review of impact evaluation and mitigation procedures
Daniel Dias Ricardo Effect of Anthropogenic Pressures on Roaring Behaviour of Red Deer using sound data
Jorge Miguel Rodrigues dos Santos Do riparian birds respond to the urban stream syndrome?
Maria Cristina Ferreira Marques The impact of drought on the leaf anatomy and hydraulic traits of Pinus pinaster Aiton, Pinus pinea L. and Pinus halepensis Mill.
Mariana Isabel Nunes Thriving digestive systems: how isopods are conquering extreme geothermal environments
Rafael de Almeida Ferreira Linking nesting adul Ichthyaetus audouinii physiological condition and behaviour with at-sea foraging patterns
Xavier Costa da Silva Neves Comparing waggle dance decoding methods to study honey bees' use of flower resources in an agricultural landscape