Bruna Isabel Alves Coelho Public Toilets in the Feminine: Portuguese Female User Perspectives on Public Toilets and the International Movement Calling for Adoption of Gender Norms
Dandara Souza Costa Telework in the Burnout Society: comparative analysis among professors from Portugal and Brazil
Ernst Loreto The technological vitalism of André Leroi-Gourhan
Frederica Alexandra Marques Mascarenhas Animal suffering as perceived by humans in the context of animal healthcare
João António de Almeida Ferreira Gonçalves For the Right to the Future: Youth and Political Participation in the Student Climate Strike in Coimbra
Luiz Henrique de Amoedo Campos The Struggle Continues in Uganda: A Study on Kuchus Self-Regulation in Online Spaces
Marianne Santos Faulstich Fernandes An ethnography of the coming out of the evangelical closet: reflexes of patriarchy, heteronormativity and homophobia in theology and practice in Brazil