30 de janeiro | 14h30 | Sala de Seminários, CEIS20

Maria Kuteeva é professora catedrática em linguística inglesa na Universidade de Estocolmo, sendo Doutorada em Linguística Inglesa pela Universidade de Manchester. A sua investigação e publicações centram-se no papel e no uso do inglês como estratégia de internacionalização por universidades, bem como no impacto das tecnologias digitais sobre escrita académica. Maria Kuteeva estará no CEIS20 para uma conferência no âmbito dos Eixos do Conhecimento Interdisciplinar intitulada "A Bakhtinian perspective on English in the academy: Language as a worldview, a lived experience, and an artifact". Leia em seguida o resumo da comunicação e a biografia da nossa convidada.

A Bakhtinian perspective on English in the academy: Language as a worldview, a lived experience, and an artifact.

In multilingual university settings, English is filled with and surrounded by tensions, from the bending and renegotiation of language norms to the emotional strain related to its increasing use. My talk zooms in on different facets of this tension-filled English – as a worldview, a lived experience, and an artifact – through an analytical lens based on Bakhtin’s theory of language. The framework I propose offers a novel way of tracing the links between university language policies, stakeholders’ perceptions and practices on the ground, and the forces and processes which govern these practices. Drawing on examples from Swedish universities, my analysis will show that the idea of what English is considered acceptable is not static: the same university stakeholders can simultaneously act as regulators enforcing standard language norms, use English as a lingua franca, and engage in translingual practices as they participate in different genres. Finally, I will discuss implications for university stakeholders who need to navigate this complex multilingual landscape.

The talk is based on the argument developed in Kuteeva, M. (2023). Tension-filled English at the multilingual university: A Bakhtinian perspective. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Maria Kuteeva is Professor of English linguistics at Stockholm University. She received her PhD (1999) in English studies from the University of Manchester. Over the last decade, her research has focused on academic discourse analysis and explored how English is used in multilingual university settings. Her publications have engaged with scholarly debates surrounding ontologies and roles of English in the world. She has held visiting researcher positions at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (2013), and the University of Helsinki (2018). In 2021 she was an Erik Allardt research fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. Maria’s work has appeared in international peer-reviewed journals, e.g. Applied Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, Journal of Second Language Writing, Higher Education, and Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Recent books include Language perceptions and practices in multilingual universities (2020, Palgrave Macmillan, with Kaufhold and Hynninen) and Tension-filled English at the multilingual university: A Bakhtinian perspective (2023, Multilingual Matters). She serves on the editorial boards of several international journals and is co-editor-in-chief of Revista Ibérica.