University of Coimbra student wins global competition in South Korea

João Pedro Sousa Mota took first place in the HVAC World Student Competition, held in Pyeonchang.

Sara Machado - FCTUC
Diana Taborda (EN transl.)
25 june, 2024≈ 2 min read

João Pedro Sousa Mota, a PhD student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) and a researcher at the Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI), won first prize at the HVAC World Students Competition, held in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Launched in 2013, the competition is organised by various heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) associations, including ASHRAE from the United States, CAHVAC from China, ISHRAE from India, REHVA from Europe, SAREK from South Korea, and SHASE from Japan. João Mota represented Europe in this prestigious competition, having previously won the National Order of Engineers competition and the European REHVA competition in Istanbul last May.

The ADAI researcher's work was based on his doctoral thesis in mechanical engineering, specialising in energy and the environment, at DEM, and focused on the acoustic optimization of a visor with an aerodynamic seal for healthcare professionals, developed in the scope of asthe VV4MC project, carried out by DEM, the UC Faculty of Medicine, ADAI and the company SET S.A., part of the Iberomoldes Group.