Initiative to promote women empowerment gathers 30 women researchers of the University of Coimbra

For two days, 30 PhD researchers from the University of Coimbra took part in the Bootcamp for Women Researchers @ UC, which included workshops, lectures and individual mentoring.

Marta Costa
Karine Paniza
28 november, 2022≈ 3 min read

© UC | Marta Costa

English version: Diana Taborda

To empower and give tools to women researchers in different stages of their careers. This was one of the main goals of the Bootcamp for Women Researchers @ UC, which brought together 30 female researchers from the University of Coimbra (UC) in an immersive training to "increase gender perspectives in all research processes" that took place in Luso. According to the Vice-Rector for Research and 3rd Cycle, Cláudia Cavadas, "we have some data that shows that women tend to apply for less competitive funding" so the workshop also aims to show the "advantages of empowering women in research".

"We tend to close our networks around our peers," noted the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality. Present at the round table that included "women in leadership positions and experiences", Rosa Monteiro argued that "diversification is absolutely strategic". "By having a strong alliance with each other, we realise, for example, that there are a number of difficulties that we share and, as a result, we have a strong defence to overcome them", she states.

"How to promote gender equality in research processes and content", "Project management", "Team leadership" and "Science communication and dissemination" were some of the themes. The initiative also included activities to promote interdisciplinarity. "We are here to empower women so that they can make the leap to much more competitive projects, such as ERCs (European Research Council) or other European projects." In addition, explains Cláudia Cavadas, "it is an excellent opportunity for these women researchers to create informal sharing networks so that they can reach further".

As part of the GendER@UC EEA Grants project, the Bootcamp for Women Researchers @ UC also aimed to promote individual mentoring and to raise awareness about the importance of participation and representation in all self-proposed science roles in which women are under-represented. Get more information about the Bootcamp for Women Researchers @ UC here.