Celebrations of the 10th Anniversary of University of Coimbra - Alta and Sofia as UNESCO World Heritage Site

The celebrations include a performative and scientific programme to "bring heritage closer to society". All events are free of charge.

Marta Costa
Karine Paniza
29 may, 2023≈ 2 min read

© UC | Paulo Amaral

English version: Diana Taborda

"Bringing heritage closer to the community" is the main purpose of the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the classification of the University of Coimbra: Alta and Sofia as UNESCO World Heritage Site. With a broad and diverse programme, the community is invited to "revisit what has been accomplished in ten years, with a view to how we want the next ten years to be", says the Vice-Rector for Heritage, Facilities and Tourism, Alfredo Dias.

During a press conference, the University of Coimbra (UC) and the RUAS Association - Recreating the University, Alta and Sofia, presented several celebration events, starting in June and with one of its main highlights taking place on the 22nd. The classification, which includes “closely connected tangible and intangible elements”, offers an opportunity for reflection, adds Alfredo Dias. The goal is also to “put science at the service of heritage and society”.

The organisation wants to go "beyond ephemeral celebrations" with these commemorations. Luísa Trindade, UC faculty and member of the organising committee, explains that the events are centred on ideas, knowledge, safeguarding and community outreach, highlighting some of the moments that will “bring to light things beyond scaffolding and rooftops”. There will be several symposiums and round tables that aim to focus the debate on the heritage as a collective legacy and, as such, engage the entire community.

With "a set of concerts to be held until the 22nd of June ", the organisation also wants to celebrate the intangible heritage. Delfim Leão, Vice-Rector for Culture, Communication and Open Science, highlights the "presentation of a research team that will study Fado - or the Song of Coimbra, as well as the events "taking place in the Upper and Lower Town".

According to Manuel Rocha, professor and member of the organising committee, "we will also celebrate the sound and what emerges from the University as a song". Artists, city and university, “all the ingredients will be mixed for this great celebration". However, Manuel Rocha reminds us that “the public plays the leading role”, and that “during these days of celebration, it is important that we sing together”.

All events are free of charge. See the full programme at https://www.uc.pt/10unesco/ (in Portuguese)