Schedule: May 23 and 30, 2022 from 9:30am to 12:30pm and from 2pm to 5pm

Nº of vacancies: 20



  • 12h of training sessions in class
  • 8h of autonomous work at home (with recommended reading list by topics; videos; training exercises...)


What would you say in an interview for radio or TV about your research? How do you explain what you have been doing to friends and family? What could happen if society knew more about the work that you and your team have been doing for the last years at the lab or at the library?

We need you! Scientists change the world everyday! Scientists need to speak up and share their discoveries. How can I simplify my message and interact without sacrificing accuracy? Come and learn how to share your ideas, contribute to increasing the population level of scientific literacy and inspire others to love and know more about science!


  • So what?
  • Market exploration
  • Goal definition
  • Do it!
  • Dissemination