/ Structures / Trace Analysis and Imaging Laboratory (TAIL) / Services

X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (XRF) via Energy Disersive Spectroscopy EDS

Obtenção de espectros de fluorescência de raios-X por excitação de feixe eletrónico (espectroscopia EDS)

Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry system based on a Silicon Drift Detector, with a 133 eV energy resolution (Mn Ka) @ 100 kcps. The detector has an effective area of 10 mm^2 and is cooled by a Peltier element. The elements in the range B (5) to Am (95) can be identified and quantified. The software module uses a standardless PB-ZAF method for quantification. This system is installed in the SEM. Line and area elemental mapping are fully integrated in the SEM software.

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
  • Amostras policristalinas
  • Thin films
Access type
  • Físico
Access mode
  • Paid
Geographical availability
  • World
  • Inglês
  • Português