
4 available services

Access to Widefield and Confocal Microscopes

Widefield Microscope with LED-based system (UV 385/30 nm, B 469/38 nm, G 555/30 nm, Y 590/27 nm, and R 631/33 nm) Scanning Confocal Microscope with 4 laser units (Diode 405 nm; Argon/2: 458, 488, 514 nm; DPSS: 561 nm and HeNe: 633 nm)

Microscopy Analysis by Light or Electron Microscopy

Observation and analysis of live or fixed samples.

Microscopy Course

Theoretical and practical training in optical and/or electron microscopy

Sample Processing for Electron Microscopy

The iLAB performs and provides the required materials and equipments necessary for sample processing for electron microscopy including fixation, dehydration, resin embedding and ultramicrotomy.