The Institute

MIA Portugal – Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing is the first research institute in Southern Europe focused on the molecular and biological basis of ageing and works for the health and wellbeing of an ageing population.

MIA Portugal – Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing is the first research institute in Southern Europe focused on the molecular and biological basis of ageing and works for the health and wellbeing of an ageing population.

A Centre of Excellence in Ageing Research

MIA Portugal multidisciplinary approach wants to bridge the gap between top-level research in ageing and its application in clinical/geriatric care. In that sense, the Institute performs a pivotal role not only in science production but also in building links between healthcare, social services and business development.

MIA Portugal is a teaming partnership between the University of Coimbra (UC) (partner in a low R&D-performing country) and the University of Newcastle (UNEW) plus the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) (partners in high R&D-performing countries), with strong support from a Technology Park (IPN) and the Regional Authority - CCDRC, and synergies with EIT Health Knowledge and Innovation Communities and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Sites.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857524.

Mission & Vision

«We are committed to being on the frontline of healthy ageing research and innovation, bringing the achievements of the scientific world to the community».

Mission & Vision:

- Improve health life expectancy

- Perform fundamental & translational research

- Be a Top 5 European Centre in Biology of Ageing

- Boost an international network on Ageing Research

- Reduce the socio-economic burden of age-related diseases

- Foster excellence in a low-performing country.

Strategy & scientific aims


ID lifestyle factors of healthy ageing

Unravel underlying mechanisms

Develop novel interventions

Scientific Aims:

Prolonging healthspan

Preventing chronic diseases

Collaborative Activities

Advanced Teaching & Training - University of Coimbra

Innovation & Technology Transfer - Instituto Pedro Nunes

- Healthy lifestyle products & services

- Contracts with Pharma Industry

Clinical Translational Research

- Biomarkers

- Prophylactic & Therapeutic interventions

Social Exploration - Ageing@Coimbra

- Engaging with the public

- Policy advising

- Socio-economic collaborations