Em 23 de março, das 10:30 às 17:00h, terá lugar na sala T4 do Departamento de Arquitetura Universidade de Coimbra, a oficina International Organizations and Africa: histories, problems, legacies.

A oficina internacional, organizada por Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Hugo Gonçalves Dores e José Pedro Monteiro, é de acesso livre, insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular:
DO COLONIAL AO PÓS-COLONIAL: PROCESSOS E LEGADOS, do curso de doutoramento Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa.

O programa será o seguinte:

10h30m-10h45m – abertura


  • Hugo Dores (CES-UC), In the name of a “sacred trust”: UNESCO and the education of the colonial peoples in Africa
  • Damiano Matasci (University of Lausanne), “A revolutionary design”: UNESCO and the genesis of the Addis Ababa Plan for Education in Postcolonial Africa (1959-1963)
  • Daniela Nascimento (FEUC/CES), The role of external actors in building sustainable peace in South Sudan: critical assessment

12h15m-14h – almoço


  • Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (CES-UC), Alternative internationalisms: Interimperial organizations and late colonialism in Africa
  • José Pedro Monteiro (CES-UC), From forced labor to self-determination: the International Labour Organization and European late colonialism in Africa
  • Ana Guardião (Institute of Social Sciences/UL), The colonial challenge: How the ICRC and UNHCR faced the refugees problem in the independence wars in Kenya, Algeria and Angola
  • Marie-Luce Desgrandchamps (University of Geneva/University of Manchester): Red Cross universalism put to the test: The ICRC and Africa in the 1960’s
  • Teresa Almeida Cravo (FEUC/CES), Guinea-Bissau’s encounter with international organisations: Between neglect and “quick fixes”