/ Research


IN2PAST is positioned as an Associate Laboratory of reference for the study and valorisation of cultural heritage, understood in its material and immaterial dimensions, and results from a consortium of seven research units (CESEM, CHAIA, CRIA, HERCULES, IHA, IHC and LAB2PT) based at NOVA FCSH, the University of Évora, the University of Minho, ISCTE and the University of Coimbra.

IN2PAST promotes an intensive cooperation between laboratory and theoretical-empirical research and innovative practices, benefiting from the cooperation network that connects it to several entities, institutions and cultural devices in the country.

By investigating the pasts of territories and populations, as well as the present ways of using those pasts, IN2PAST will be a fundamental instrument for research and innovation at the level of both the identification and safeguarding of cultural heritage and the promotion of an inclusive cultural identity and civic memory. Responding to the longing for cultural, social and environmental development of cities and regions, the Laboratory's intervention will havé short- and medium-term effects on the renewal of the economy of culture, tourism and leisure, as well as on the development and operationalisation of public policies; in the long term, the Laboratory's activity will contributé to the cultural qualification of territories and population.

IN2PAST associates seven research units with great territorial coverage, and a multidisciplinary team unique in the country, resulting in an effect of scale and transdisciplinarity that allows to confer new competitive conditions to the experience that the associated units already demonstrate in terms of attracting and diversifying competitive funding (national and international) and in terms of strategic and fundamental research, scientific consulting or postgraduate training.

The Laboratory's scientific ambition and public impact will be accompanied by the consolidation of the career of a group of researchers of excellence in the fields of conservation and study of heritage, arts and humanities.

Thematic Lines

TL1 - Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage

TL2 - Landscapes, Territories and Cultural Heritage

TL3 - Museums, Monuments and their Collections

TL4 - Archives, from Preventive Preservation to Digitalisation

TL5 - Cultural Transfers, Memory Public Policies and Inclusive Citizenship

Coordinator: António Candeias (HERCULES/UE)

Proponent Institution: HERCULES Laboratory - Cultural Heritage, Studies and Safeguarding

Participating Institutions: CESEM - Study Centre of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics; CHAIA - Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research; CRIA - Network Centre for Research in Anthropology; IHC - Institute of Contemporary History; IHA - Institute of History of Art; Lab2PT - Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory

Funded by FCT, I. P. (LA/P/0132/2020)