Ciência divertida: tensão superficial aplicada

Look who's diving and not drowning!

Proposed by: FMUC

Type of activity: Online Pre-recorded | Video demonstration

Duration: Up to 10 minutes

Subject: Physics/Chemistry, Health Sciences

Audience: All ages

Menu Botânico

In a diversified itinerary, immerse yourself in the nooks and crannies of the Coimbra University Botanical Garden.

Proposed by: Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra

Type of activity: Online Pre-recorded | Video

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Areas: Natural and Environmental Sciences, Tourism

Public: 6-12 years old, 12-18 years old, Adults

Querido Cientista

Have you ever thought of everything you would like to ask a scientist? The University of Coimbra gives you that opportunity!

Proposed by: Health Communication Laboratory (LCS.FMUC)

Type of activity: online with form filling.

Duration: up to 10 minutes

Subject: Physics/Chemistry, Mathematics, Technologies, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Architecture, Arts and Design, Social Sciences and Humanities, Health Sciences

Audience: 6-12 years old, 12-18 years old, Adults

À Descoberta do Museu

Where is the Museum located? What collections does it house? In this quizz come and test your knowledge about the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra!

Proposed by: Science Museum of the University of Coimbra

Type of activity: Online quiz

Duration: 1 to 3 minutes

Areas: Physics/Chemistry, Natural Sciences and the Environment

Audience: 6-12 years old, Adults

Mind The Mom: uma intervenção online para a saúde mental perinatal em tempos de pandemia

The challenges of pregnancy in times of pandemic are diverse and demanding. Let's take care of future mothers!

Proposed by: CINEICC | FPCEUC

Type of activity: Online Pre-recorded | Promotional Video of the Project, Demonstration

Duration: Up to 10 minutes

Areas: Technologies, Social Sciences and Humanities, Health Sciences

Audience: 12-18 years old, Adults

O que sabes sobre genes, esqueletos, gordura corporal e atividade física?

To know more about the research of CIAS, a research unit in the area of Biological Anthropology that studies the determinants of health and well-being in past and contemporary societies from a biocultural perspective, answer the challenge questions.

Proponent: CIAS

Type of activity: Online Quiz

Duration: Up to 10 minutes

Areas: Social and Human Sciences, Health Sciences
Life Sciences; Anthropology

Audience: Any age

Coimbra: entre questões sanitárias e avanços científicos

Memories of epidemics and studies in the District of Coimbra in the 19th and 20th centuries: between sanitary issues and scientific advances

Proponent: Coimbra University Archive

Type of activity: Virtual exhibition

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities; Information Science/Archivalry

Public: Any age

Viagens Virtuais ao Passado

Contemporary methods for the study and simulation of vanished historical heritage

Proponents: Centre for Social Studies | Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Architecture

Areas: Technologies, Architecture, Arts and Design, Social Sciences and Humanities

Type of activity: Pre-recorded Online Activity | Project Promotional Video, Demonstration, Challenge

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Audience: 6-12 years old, 12-18 years old, Adults

O impacto da crise da Covid-19 na estrutura setorial das economias

If countries had a 50% drop in their non-essential products due to the current pandemic, how would the economy of these countries react?

Proponent: CeBER / Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
University of Florida / IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department

Type of activity: Online Pre-recorded | Science News Release

Duration: Up to 10 minutes

Subject: Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities

Audience: Adults

Como deixar um neurocientista sem palavras: as perguntas dos mais novos

What happens when neuroscientists are surprised by the unusual questions of little ones? Will they be able to answer them?

Proposed by: Proaction Lab, University of Coimbra

Type of activity: Live Online

Times: 15h00; 16h00; 17h00 (3 different sessions)

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities

Public: Any age

Conversa: sementes e sabores preservados ou esquecidos

From garden to table: the inheritance of the seeds that feed us

Proposed by: 20th Century Research Centre (CEIS 20), Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (III)

Type of activity: Online

Field: Natural and Environmental Sciences

Schedule: 16h30 pm

Duration: 30 to 60 minutes

Public: Young people and adults

Da célula à farmácia: os investigadores explicam a investigação em Farmacologia e Cuidados Farmacêuticos e a sua relevância para a saúde nestes tempos de pandemia

One hour this day on research in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Care, you don't know how much good it would do you.

Proposed by: Laboratory of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Care, FFUC,

Type of activity: Online Live | Round table

Schedule: 17h00-18h00

Duration: 30 to 60 minutes

Area: Pharmaceutical Sciences

Public: 15-18, Adults

Quanta ciência cabe num neurocientista?

Even the best scientist is not knowledgeable about all things. And the further they advance in a research career, the more specific their knowledge becomes.

Proponent: Proaction Lab, University of Coimbra
Guest: Psychological Neuroscience Lab, University of Minho

Type of activity: Live Online

Schedule: 6 p.m.

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Subject: Social Sciences and Humanities

Audience: 6-12 year olds, 12-18 year olds, Adults

Os desafios societais e o Direito

The law of the future and the future of law

Proposed by: Instituto Jurídico

Type of activity: Online Live |Interview, Round Table

Schedule: 18h00 (postponed, new date to be announced)

Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities

Audience: 12-18 years old, Adults

Atividades sobre o SOL | Olhar as estrelas: da nossa às outras.

Proponent: Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra

Type of activity: Live online (in-person activities cancelled) | Activities about our star - the Sun - with videos from the European Solar Telescope (EST)

Schedule: 18h30

Access through Zoom:

Duration: more than 60 min

Subject: Physics/Chemistry, Astronomy

Audience: Any age

Como é que a Ciência resolve problemas das pessoas?

How can science respond to society's problems? Come discuss with us!

Proposed by: Centre for Neurosciences and Cell Biology of the University of Coimbra (CNC-UC)
Science Museum of the University of Coimbra and Institute for Interdisciplinary Research

Type of activity: Live Online Chat | Round Table

Schedule: 18h00 - 20h00

Areas: Technologies, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Health Sciences

Public: Adults

A ciência do infinitamente pequeno

Are you curious about CERN, about mysterious dark matter, energetic cosmic rays, and the technological applications of this science? Let's talk about it!

Proposed by: LIP (LIP-Coimbra)
Guests: LIP-Lisboa and LIP-Minho

Type of activity: Online Live Chat | Round Table

Schedule: 20h00 - 21h30

Duration: more than 60 minutes

Regulação dos Biobancos em Portugal

Attempt to overcome the dichotomy

Proponent: Andreia da Costa Andrade | FDUC

Type of activity: Online Live | Round Table

Schedule: 9:30 p.m.

Duration: more than 30 minutes


Da China à Vacina

Epidemiologist Manuel Carmo Gomes answers many of your questions...

Proponent: Rómulo, Centro de Ciência Viva Universidade de Coimbra

Area: Health, Epidemiology

Type of activity: Online activity

Schedule: 9:30 p.m.

Duration: 60 min

Todos a bordo! Aprender com as comunidades piscatórias açorianas

Alive and kicking! Listen to the silence. see the invisible

Propoenents: Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra; Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (CICS -FCSH), NOVA

Area: Social Sciences and Humanities

Type of activity: Pre-recorded online activity | Interview

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Audience: All ages

Água Rica e Misteriosa

Practical demonstration of the hydrogeological cycle with water in its different physical states. A journey from a drop of water through the periodic table!

Proposed by: Herbarium of Coimbra University | Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon

Field: Physics/Chemistry, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences

Type of activity: Pre-recorded online activity | Demonstration

Duration: 10 to 30 minutes

Podcast “EntreCampos” – Os Contributos da Antropologia para a Compreensão das Alterações Climáticas

Can Anthropology contribute to the understanding of Climate Change?

Proposed by: Centre for Research in Anthropology Network (CRIA)
& Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN) | Universidade de Coimbra | et. al

Area: Social and Human Sciences, Natural and Environmental Sciences

Type of activity: Pre-recorded Online Activity | Podcast

Duration: More than 30 minutes

Audience: Young people and adults