Persuasive Grant Writing

Persuasive Grant Writing is a course for natural science researchers who want to use narrative tools to improve the quality of their grant applications to make them more informative and persuasive. It will enable you to:

  • Understand how narrative tools can improve the quality of your grant applications;
  • Learn how to align your grant proposal with the requirements and objectives of your chosen funder;
  • Learn how to apply narrative tools when writing your grant proposal to make it more informative, persuasive and engaging.

This course consists of 3 modules, with 3.5 hours of learning, all split into bitesize 15-minute lessons.

  • Module 1: Before starting your grant application

    How narrative tools can improve the overall quality of your grant application.

  • Module 2: Targeting your audience

    How to align your grant application with the requirements and objectives of its audience - your chosen funder.

  • Module 3: Creating a narrative

    Learn to apply narrative tools when writing your grant application to make it more informative and persuasive.