Narrative Tools for Researchers

Narrative Tools for Researchers is is a course that has been designed for natural science researchers who want to improve their communication with their peers by using narrative tools to tell their research story. It will enable you to:

  • Understand the benefits of using narrative tools to communicate your research more effectively to scientific peers and stakeholders;
  • Learn how to create and combine narrative elements to build a compelling scientific story;
  • Learn how to refine your research story depending on the audience and format for your communication.

This course is composed of 3 modules:

  • Module 1: Why use a story?

The benefits of using a compelling story to communicate your research to your peers and stakeholders, such as funders or industry partners.

  • Module 2: Building your story

How to build and combine different narrative elements that can help you create a more compelling scientific story.

  • Module 3: Refining your story

How to refine your story by soliciting feedback and implementing edits.