
Plano D – Diálogos com o Direito

Coordinator: Marta Sofia Bernardo da Graça

Type of activity: Video-recorded conversation

Date and place of the activity: May 2024 to January 2025 | Various UC spaces: Jardim Botânico, Colégio da Trindade, Museu Académico, Colégio de São Jerónimo, Colégio das Artes, Colégio da Graça e Centro de Documentação 25 de abril, Núcleo Museológico de Farmácia, Núcleo Museológico de Informática

R&D Units involved: IJ, CFE, CISUC, CEBER

Talk-Show: Stem Cells Rock!

Coordinator: Ricardo Pires das Neves

Type of activity: Theatre-musical performance

Date and place of the activity: 9th October 2024; Coimbra, during the "International Stem Cell Awareness Day"

R&D Units involved: CIBB, CNC-BC, CEIS20

Descomplicando a Inteligência Artificial na Descoberta de Fármacos

Coordinator: Joel Perdiz Arrais

Type of activity: Workshop for pre-school and primary school children

Date and place of the activity: Schools in the Coimbra district

R&D Units involved: CISUC, CQC

(A)Gente da Cidade

Coordinator: Daniela Rodrigues

Type of activity: Competition and Exhibition; Debate; Science Walk

Date and place of the activity: Competition: July and August 2024 | Exhibitions and debates: September 2024 | Science Walk: November 2024 | Places: online and physical, in various spaces in the city of Coimbra

R&D Units involved: CIAS, CITTA, CISUC

Connect2Age:Unir gerações!

Coordinator: Pedro José Barbosa da Silva

Type of activity: Talks between PhD students and the senior community

Date and place of the activity: June 2024 to March 2025


Mythabolism: a boardgame to demystify metabolism

Coordinator: Sara Cabral Martins

Type of activity: Board game

Date and place of the activity: June 2024 to June 2025 (various dates) | Coimbra, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, others.

R&D Units involved: CNC-UC/CIBB, CISUC, CEIS20, CIAS

PhDBuddies Podcast

Coordinator: Daniela Cristina Gonçalves Costa

Type of activity: Audiovisual podcast available on youtube

Date and place of the activity: Official release of episodes recorded between January and March 2025


Focus on Science: Attention, Attention, Attention!

Coordinator: João Peça

Type of activity: Workshop/demonstration

Date and place of the activity: September/October 2024 (two days), Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra

R&D Units involved: CNC-UC, ISR

A Good Sleep Under the Stars: An animated serie

Coordinator: Bárbara Santos

Type of activity: Animated Series

Date and place of the activity: May to December 2024

R&D Units involved: Planetário - Casa da Ciência - Centro Ciência Viva de Braga; Oficinas de Criatividade Himalaya - Centro Ciência Viva dos Arcos; Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva; UC Exploratório - Ciência Viva Coimbra; Centro Ciência Viva de Constância - Parque de Astronomia

Empathic Spaces. Immersive VR architectural installation for mental health awareness

Coordinator: Pedro Filipe Martins Carvalho

Type of activity: virtual installation/exhibition

Date and place of the activity: January 2025 | Online and in a physical location to be designated

R&D Units involved: CEARQ-TD, CNC, CISUC

Important Dates

Opening of applications | 26 February 2024

Closing of applications | 22 March 2024, 17h

Results sent to applicants | by 6 May 2024

Public presentation of the winning projects/initiatives | 13 May 2024 (new date)


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